Hunters who blamed immigrants are charged in shooting


Texas Digest: Hunters who blamed immigrants are charged in shooting
Feb. 19, 2017

Hunters charged in shooting had blamed immigrants

Two hunters accused in a shooting on a remote Texas ranch near the Mexican border had told authorities that they were attacked by immigrants who had entered the country illegally.

These hunters became the "poster boys" for Trump supporters to justify the wall and confirm his anti-immigrant agenda.

Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez told Odessa television station KOSA that a grand jury indicted Michael Bryant and Walker Daugherty last week on charges of using deadly conduct by discharging firearms in the direction of others.

The charges stem from a Jan. 6 incident in which police responding to call about a shooting on a ranch near Candelaria found Daugherty and another man in the hunting party, Edwin Roberts, with gunshot wounds. The men were part of a group of hunters and told authorities they were attacked by people who had illegally crossed the nearby border and tried to steal an RV some of the hunters were using.

An investigation found that Daugherty shot Roberts and Bryant shot Daugherty, Dominguez said.

The hunters’ claim became fodder for a Facebook post by Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, who wrote the attack was another reason a wall must be built to secure the Texas border to halt “violent criminals and members of drug cartels coming in.”

Authorities said that about 30 officers searched the perimeter of the ranch where the hunters were staying but didn’t find signs of people approaching the camp and that investigators found no evidence of “cross-border violence.”
- Bowling Green

- Sweden

- Presidio County

Another claim that outsiders are attacking citizens hits the dust.

In this case the hunters shot each other thinking that they were illegal immigrants and were too embarrassed to tell the truth.

These hunters became the "poster boys" for Trump's anti-immigrant and "wall" agenda.


New member
Only the very tip of the iceberg the typical Trump drone will either applaud as progress, or drown out as fake news.

Par for the course within all lemmings based movements.


...Another claim that outsiders are attacking citizens hits the dust.

Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We’re All Victims

Police in the Sanctuary City of Austin, TX arrested two Mexican nationals who reportedly participated in the gang rape of a 13-year-old girl on June 29. As many as 13 men took turns sexually assaulting the girl. Many cheered and filmed the crime on their cell phones. Juan Lozano Ortega, 25, and Edgar Gerardo Guzman Perez, 26, were charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child. Both men, Mexican nationals, are currently being held in the Travis County Jail on immigration detainers.[30]


"...criminal and illegal aliens commit murder at much higher rates than all inhabitants of the U.S. – at least 3 to 10 times higher."

Read more:


Nobody cares what your retarded, childish liberal media has to say anymore, one would think you'd understand that by now but apparently not :AMR:

Immigrants commit crimes of violence every day in this country, that's just a long standing reality that your media doesn't report because it goes against your psychotic narrative that border control is 'bigoted'.

And Sweden
Just shut your piehole
They were a very well state, with little to no problems, until they began letting in all these immigrants.
So just can it. There is nothing legitimate with what you have to say on this subject.


How objective is information provided by an ultra-conservative "Constitution Party" website?

Being that the statistics that were used in both articles that I linked came from the FBI, I'd say quite objective.

As always, I encourage you to refute anything that isn't true.


Contrary to Trump’s Claims, Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes
New York Times
JAN. 26, 2017

A central point of an executive order President Trump signed on Wednesday — and a mainstay of his campaign speeches — is the view that undocumented immigrants pose a threat to public safety.

But several studies, over many years, have concluded that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than people born in the United States. And experts say the available evidence does not support the idea that undocumented immigrants commit a disproportionate share of crime.

“There’s no way I can mess with the numbers to get a different conclusion,” said Alex Nowrasteh, immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, which advocates more liberal immigration laws.

Mr. Trump often cites specific cases of undocumented immigrants committing or being charged with crimes, like the 2015 killing in San Francisco of Kathryn Steinle, whose accused killer had repeatedly been convicted of crimes and deported, yet slipped back into the United States.

His executive order states that many people who enter the country illegally “present a significant threat to national security and public safety.” It directs the Department of Homeland Security to publish a weekly “comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens and any jurisdiction that ignored or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens.”
California Today

... Analyses of census data from 1980 through 2010 show that among men ages 18 to 49, immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as those born in the United States. Across all ages and sexes, about 7 percent of the nation’s population are noncitizens, while figures from the Justice Department show that about 5 percent of inmates in state and federal prisons are noncitizens.

Opponents of immigration often point out that in federal prisons, a much higher share of inmates, 22 percent, are noncitizens. But federal prisons hold a small fraction of the nation’s inmates, and in many ways, it is an unusual population. About one-third of noncitizen federal inmates are serving time for immigration offenses — usually re-entering the country illegally after being deported — that are not covered by state law.
The New York Times, whose credibility would be widely considered by most to "trump" that of the Constitution Party website, addressed this very issue on January 26, 2017 and came to the conclusion that based several studies over many years,illegal immigrants were less likely to commit crimes than their American born counterparts.

As usual Trump's demonization of illegals as a bunch of criminals, rapists and thugs was designed to appeal to our personal biases, but based on "fake news!"


There is an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in this country.

This country has a higher rate of illegal immigration than any other country in the world.

Doing nothing about it is an abandonment of the most basic responsibilities of a functioning country.

There is no debate, and there never was one- liberals want illegals because they hate this country and want to see it as something else.


There is an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in this country.

This country has a higher rate of illegal immigration than any other country in the world.

Doing nothing about it is an abandonment of the most basic responsibilities of a functioning country.

There is no debate, and there never was one- liberals want illegals because they hate this country and want to see it as something else.
Republican and Democratic Administrations have never allocated the necessary resources to maintain a secure border because the business community wanted a source of cheap labor to perform jobs that Americans avoided.

A nation that put a man on the moon can secure its border if there is the political will.

Illegals, however, could be viewed as a blessing in disguise - as the "baby boom" starts to retire, the American birthrate is insufficient to provide enough young people in the workforce to offset this aging demographic.

Properly educated and trained, "illegals" could help fill this deficit and perform public service, such as enrolling in the military, as a means of earning their American citizenship.