This is the show from Friday, May 26th, 2023
*Pastor Kevin Lea: RSR hosts Fred Williams & Doug McBurney welcome Pastor Kevin Lea of Calvary Church Port Orchard WA for a deep dive into his presentation, (along with faithful co-laborers) of Hydroplate Theory to the headquarters staff at the Institute for Creation Research.
*Planet 9 From Outer Space: The predicted discovery of “Planet 9” (or Planet X) by atheists, and old earth cosmologists to explain the argument of the perihelion, has never come to pass. But Dr. Robert Brown’s peer-reviewed journal article describing the origin of distant TNOs from within our solar system did!
*The First Creationist Hydroplate Conference: September 21-23, 2023. Join Fred, Doug and an “A-List” of RSR favorites for the first conference on Creation and Hydroplate Theory Science! Attend virtually by registering today at:
*Engineering, Credentials & Evidence: We are thankful for Pastor Lea and the HPT advocates like Rob Brown (see him at RMCF 2023), Bryan Nickel (See his HPT Video Series) and the others who gave the presentation to ICR that Walter Brown has never had the opportunity to give, (Walt Brown received a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he was a National Science Foundation Fellow. He has taught college courses in physics, mathematics, and computer science. Brown is a retired full colonel (Air Force), West Point graduate, and former Army ranger and paratrooper. Assignments during his 21 years in the military included: Director of Benet Research, Development, and Engineering Laboratories in Albany, New York; tenured associate professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy; and Chief of Science and Technology Studies at the Air War College. For much of his life, Walt Brown was an evolutionist, but after many years of study, he became convinced of the scientific validity of creation and a global flood. Since retiring from the military in 1980, Dr. Brown has been the Director of the Center for Scientific Creation and has worked full time in research, writing, and speaking on origins).
*The Empire Strikes Back: Hear some of the history explaining the resistance to the Hydroplate Theory by so many of our wonderful brothers in the Lord.
*Prayers for ICR & Randy Guliuzza: Join us in lifting up ICR and their Chief Randy Gulliuza in prayer! (And watch this interview Randy did with the Babylon Bee)! And pray for us at RSR that we will remain humble enough to always pursue the truth.
*Closing Argument: Hear Pastor Lea’s passionate delivery of the simple gospel!
*RSR’s Global Flood and Hydroplate Theory: Pick up your own copy on DVD, Blu-ray, or HD video download today!