How Trump Manipulates The Media

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
How Trump Manipulates The Media

The ability to influence mass media is an actual real life superpower. The Kardashians for instance, have earned over a hundred million with that power

But by far the best media influencer I have ever seen is Donald Trump. While other people get buried by scandal, he thrives on it. Trump won the presidency through a hailstorm of media scandals that really, no one else could have come through despite spending only slightly over half (55%) what Hillary did on his campaign That was because Donald was able to get the media to influence votes towards him for free - despite the fact that many outlets were trying to do the exact opposite.
That’s why in this video we’re going to talk about why Trump is able to thrive in today’s news media environment

This video is fascinating.


Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Donald Trump's Debates: 5 Mental Tricks You Didn't Notice

Donald Trump has proven himself to be a master persuader. His unlikely rise to prominence in the Republican primaries has riden on the fact that he knows how to work the media during interviews as well as his performances in the GOP debates against the likes of Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz.

When watching the debates, many of his detractors criticize Trump's apparent lack of substance. For instance, he ducked Megyn Kelly's question about sexism with a joke about Rosie O'Donnell. He seems to repeat buzz words more than other candidates and often justifies his positions by referring to other people who support his stances, rather than defending them outright. While this may seem like weak arguments, Donald Trump's debate strategies actually align perfectly with the way humans think and process information. For that reason, Trump's arguments tend to sink in more than his opponent's (like Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz) do.

In this video we'll look at the top 5 relatively unknown psychological truths that Trump exploits to get his point across during interviews and debates.


Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Donald Trump: Art Of The Handshake

Donald Trump: Art Of The Handshake
Discover The 4 Emotions You Need To Make a Killer First Impression:



Well-known member
While "Trump Girl" indulges in "verbal abuse" that would get the rest of us banned, she would have us believe that she and "PROLIFE" supporters are doing more than shedding "crocodile tears" about the lives of the unborn!

According to the CIA Factbook, a branch of the federal government, the United States ranks 54th in the world with an infant mortality rate of 5.30 per 10000 live births - tied with the United Arab Emirates and behind such medical centers of excellence as Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Faroe Islands and Latvia!
Might I suggest that our high infant mortality rate is mostly due to the high number of women who are on drugs when they give birth or at least have done drugs several times during or even too many times before becoming pregnant?


Well-known member
I didn't start this controversy so your constant questions can only be interpreted as a backhanded admission that you lack the evidence to support your accusations - I'm not about to be enticed into playing your game!
I read that as: "Yeah, eh!"

Actually, in a court of law: silence in answer to an allegation is considered an admission of guilt.
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My Bible says GOD raises kings - and presidents - so while we probably can criticise their decisions we have to accept them.


My Bible says GOD raises kings - and presidents - so while we probably can criticise their decisions we have to accept them.


Might I suggest that our high infant mortality rate is mostly due to the high number of women who are on drugs when they give birth or at least have done drugs several times during or even too many times before becoming pregnant?

That is an interesting question. I'll bet if you did some research you could find out. We'll wait.