How Trump Colluded With Russia In Plain Sight


This article first appeared on the Atlantic Council site.

On February 16, the Justice Department indicted thirteen Russians for interfering in the 2016 US presidential election. Donald J. Trump was elected with the slightest of margins in the electoral college, while losing the popular vote by 2.9 million.

The fundamental question is if he won thanks to collusion with the Kremlin.
Luke Harding, the Guardian’s veteran correspondent in Moscow, who was expelled by the Kremlin in 2011, has written an extraordinary investigation of this drama, Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win (Vintage Press).


Harding is probably the most qualified person for this kind of investigation. Apart from his extensive reporting for the Guardian , he has written books about Wikileaks, the murder of Alexander Litvinenko who was poisoned by the FSB in London, the Snowden files, and the Russian mafia state. In elegant prose, he goes through the many accusations against Trump and his company for having colluded with the Kremlin


Harding leaves no doubt: It was collusion.

He presents an overwhelming number of connections between Trump and his close associates with Russian intelligence and organized crime, and he digs into all of them with hard evidence.

Initially, Trump and his associates denied it all, but since they had to admit their many meetings with Russians, their guilt appears all the more evident.


The evidence against Trump is substantial: “Putin was practically the only person on the planet to escape Trump’s sweeping invective”.

In July 2016, Trump stated publicly: “Russia if you’re listening. I hope you’re able to find the thirty thousand [Clinton] emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

The Kremlin complied and dripped the emails through Wikileaks, which “was a straightforward appeal to a foreign power to commit espionage against a political opponent”.

The Barbarian

Be patient. Mueller isn't about to close the investigation until all the lose ends are accounted for.

If it is what it seems to be, justice will prevail soon enough.


Hall of Fame
Be patient. Mueller isn't about to close the investigation until all the lose ends are accounted for.

If it is what it seems to be, justice will prevail soon enough.

Meh, the answer is obvious for anyone who doesn't put their political party above the evidence. The evidence: Trump.

The GOP knows he is guilty ... but they will continue to refuse to put the country above party.


Stayin alive stayin alive o o o o stayin aliiiiiiiiiive

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Emma Gonzales, a survivor of the Florida high school shooting, was bang on when she said: "Politicians who sit in their gilded House and Senate seats funded by the NRA telling us nothing could have been done to prevent this, we call BS."


Emma Gonzales, a survivor of the Florida high school shooting, was bang on when she said: "Politicians who sit in their gilded House and Senate seats funded by the NRA telling us nothing could have been done to prevent this, we call BS."


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The Barbarian

Emma Gonzales, a survivor of the Florida high school shooting, was bang on when she said: "Politicians who sit in their gilded House and Senate seats funded by the NRA telling us nothing could have been done to prevent this, we call BS."

The "me too" movement just bypassed politicians to effect change. You might be seeing the same thing here.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "Far-left Socialists" on TOL are trying their best to help (In their own way) topple the President of the United States. I suppose it makes them feel useful in this world. Useful for what, I don't really know? For a certainty, Trump's Presidency will remain and the "Bozos" who are conspiring against him and his supporters will come to naught. Far-left Socialists make a lot of noise, however, their bark is worse than their bite. Nothing they attempt will come to fruition.


This article first appeared on the Atlantic Council site.

On February 16, the Justice Department indicted thirteen Russians for interfering in the 2016 US presidential election. Donald J. Trump was elected with the slightest of margins in the electoral college, while losing the popular vote by 2.9 million.

The fundamental question is if he won thanks to collusion with the Kremlin.
Luke Harding, the Guardian’s veteran correspondent in Moscow, who was expelled by the Kremlin in 2011, has written an extraordinary investigation of this drama, Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win (Vintage Press).

Barakzabub gave Putin 1/3 of our uranium dude. Sztub no, what are you doing sztubnpvich?

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The "Far-left Socialists" on TOL are trying their best to help (In their own way) topple the President of the United States. I suppose it makes them feel useful in this world. Useful for what, I don't really know? For a certainty, Trump's Presidency will remain and the "Bozos" who are conspiring against him and his supporters will come to naught. Far-left Socialists make a lot of noise, however, their bark is worse than their bite. Nothing they attempt will come to fruition.

So much for predestination then!


New member
How Trump Colluded With Russia In Plain Sight

This is quite the teaser. I thought you were going to provide something substantial.

This article first appeared on the Atlantic Council site.

On February 16, the Justice Department indicted thirteen Russians for interfering in the 2016 US presidential election. Donald J. Trump was elected with the slightest of margins in the electoral college, while losing the popular vote by 2.9 million.

There is no "popular vote" to win or lose. Instead, there are 51 electoral college votes, or which Trump won 30 thereby becoming the President of the Untied States. Booyah!

If it is what it seems to be, justice will prevail soon enough.
(emphasis mine)

This is pretty much an admission that it only seems to be that there was collusion. Not really a strong indictment. I don't even think it seems to be the case that there was collusion.

Of course we'll know in due time. I'm willing to be convinced. With evidence, of course. Particularly if it's "in plain sight".


This is quite the teaser. I thought you were going to provide something substantial.

There is no "popular vote" to win or lose. Instead, there are 51 electoral college votes, or which Trump won 30 thereby becoming the President of the Untied States. Booyah!

(emphasis mine)

This is pretty much an admission that it only seems to be that there was collusion. Not really a strong indictment. I don't even think it seems to be the case that there was collusion.

Of course we'll know in due time. I'm willing to be convinced. With evidence, of course. Particularly if it's "in plain sight".

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
If it is what it seems to be, justice will prevail soon enough.

This is pretty much an admission that it only seems to be that there was collusion.

Of course. It's mostly circumstantial. As far as we know, so far, Trump publicly invited Russian help in getting dirt on Clinton, his son and other campaign officials met with Russian agents,ostensibly to get dirt on Clinton.

And that's about all we have that is remotely indictable. What else Mueller has, we don't know. My observation is that it looks as though he'll have a much stronger case for obstruction and other incidental felonies than anything else. That's what got most of the perps in Watergate and Iran/Contra. I expect that will be the case again.

Of course we'll know in due time. I'm willing to be convinced. With evidence, of course. Particularly if it's "in plain sight".

Wise decision.



How Trump Colluded With Russia In Plain Sight

When a President steadfastly refuses to mount a coordinated response by the American government to prevent the Russians, or any other country, from trying to influence the 2018 Interims, that goes beyond "collusion" - its treasonous!

What other term could be used to describe a President who wilfully allows the Russians a free hand to undermine the American public's confidence in the integrity of their own democratic elections?
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