How to start a relationship with God....


This thread is dedicated to all the guests that come into TOL seeking Him.

How does one start a relationship with God.

First, God calls those or draws those He wants to have a relationship with. We respond by turning and taking a step towards Him. You may have done that by merely coming to this site to find out more about God.

Second, we answer the call by personally surrendering our life to Him.

This should be done at the beginning of every day. The surrendering of our lives could be saying something like this prayer. "God, i offer myself to thee, to have with me and to build with me as thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that i may better do thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bare witness to those i would help of thy power, thy love, and thy way of life. May i do thy will always."

" My creator, i am now willing that you should have all of me , good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character that stands in the way of my use fullness to you and my fellows.Grant me strength as i go out from here to do thy bidding, Amen."

Third, After your daily surrendering of your life and will over to God, it is important that when you are making the many decisions through out each day, you make those decisions based on the fact that your life is not yours anymore, but Gods. Each day is the chance to make a better offering of our lives to Him, and making better decisions that show God we really are genuine about the life we have surrendered to Him.

This is the true faith that will cause Jesus to seal His Spirit into you, making Christ , and His word yours to claim. The sealing of the Holy Spirit doesn't happen with a momentary belief or commitment to Him.

If you follow these steps, God will slowly take the life you've offered Him. At that point He will regenerate your life, as long as you continually on a daily basis to surrender your life to Him.


This thread is dedicated to all the guests that come into TOL seeking Him.

How does one start a relationship with God.

First, God calls those or draws those He wants to have a relationship with. We respond by turning and taking a step towards Him. You may have done that by merely coming to this site to find out more about God.

Second, we answer the call by personally surrendering our life to Him.

This should be done at the beginning of every day. The surrendering of our lives could be saying something like this prayer. "God, i offer myself to thee, to have with me and to build with me as thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that i may better do thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bare witness to those i would help of thy power, thy love, and thy way of life. May i do thy will always."

" My creator, i am now willing that you should have all of me , good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character that stands in the way of my use fullness to you and my fellows.Grant me strength as i go out from here to do thy bidding, Amen."

Third, After your daily surrendering of your life and will over to God, it is important that when you are making the many decisions through out each day, you make those decisions based on the fact that your life is not yours anymore, but Gods. Each day is the chance to make a better offering of our lives to Him, and making better decisions that show God we really are genuine about the life we have surrendered to Him.

This is the true faith that will cause Jesus to seal His Spirit into you, making Christ , and His word yours to claim. The sealing of the Holy Spirit doesn't happen with a momentary belief or commitment to Him.

If you follow these steps, God will slowly take the life you've offered Him. At that point He will regenerate your life, as long as you continually on a daily basis to surrender your life to Him.

Bumped for guests.


This thread is dedicated to all the guests that come into TOL seeking Him.

How does one start a relationship with God.

First, God calls those or draws those He wants to have a relationship with. We respond by turning and taking a step towards Him. You may have done that by merely coming to this site to find out more about God.

Second, we answer the call by personally surrendering our life to Him.

This should be done at the beginning of every day. The surrendering of our lives could be saying something like this prayer. "God, i offer myself to thee, to have with me and to build with me as thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that i may better do thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bare witness to those i would help of thy power, thy love, and thy way of life. May i do thy will always."

" My creator, i am now willing that you should have all of me , good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character that stands in the way of my use fullness to you and my fellows.Grant me strength as i go out from here to do thy bidding, Amen."

Third, After your daily surrendering of your life and will over to God, it is important that when you are making the many decisions through out each day, you make those decisions based on the fact that your life is not yours anymore, but Gods. Each day is the chance to make a better offering of our lives to Him, and making better decisions that show God we really are genuine about the life we have surrendered to Him.

This is the true faith that will cause Jesus to seal His Spirit into you, making Christ , and His word yours to claim. The sealing of the Holy Spirit doesn't happen with a momentary belief or commitment to Him.

If you follow these steps, God will slowly take the life you've offered Him. At that point He will regenerate your life, as long as you continually on a daily basis to surrender your life to Him.

One of the greatest lies out there, is that we can walk into any church and claim whats in Gods Word for ourselves. In the beginning of our walk, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and His Word, are not ours yet. They can only become ours by the genuine daily surrendering of our lives to Him. If that surrender is genuine and makes it through the testing of Christ, then and only then will He seal into us His Spirit making Christ and His Word ours to claim.

99% of those who talk about Gods Word as their own have never surrendered their lives to God. So be careful not to get the carriage in front of the horse by simply believing in Gods Word and by that act God seals the Holy Spirit in you. It just doesn't work that way.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
One of the greatest lies out there, is that we can walk into any church and claim whats in Gods Word for ourselves. In the beginning of our walk, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and His Word, are not ours yet. They can only become ours by the genuine daily surrendering of our lives to Him. If that surrender is genuine and makes it through the testing of Christ, then and only then will He seal into us His Spirit making Christ and His Word ours to claim.

99% of those who talk about Gods Word as their own have never surrendered their lives to God. So be careful not to get the carriage in front of the horse by simply believing in Gods Word and by that act God seals the Holy Spirit in you. It just doesn't work that way.

Ephesians 1:13New King James Version (NKJV)

13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

You are sealed with the Spirit upon believing in Jesus as saviour.

Ben Masada

New member
This thread is dedicated to all the guests that come into TOL seeking Him.

How does one start a relationship with God.

Well, I tell you how one starts a relationship with God. By doing what Jesus said in Luke 16:29-31: By listening to "Moses" aka the Law. Do that and you have started your relationship with the Lord. Unless you prefer to imply that Jesus was bluffing.


Blessed beyond measure
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This thread is dedicated to all the guests that come into TOL seeking Him.

How does one start a relationship with God.

First, God calls those or draws those He wants to have a relationship with. We respond by turning and taking a step towards Him. You may have done that by merely coming to this site to find out more about God.

Second, we answer the call by personally surrendering our life to Him.

This should be done at the beginning of every day. The surrendering of our lives could be saying something like this prayer. "God, i offer myself to thee, to have with me and to build with me as thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that i may better do thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bare witness to those i would help of thy power, thy love, and thy way of life. May i do thy will always."

" My creator, i am now willing that you should have all of me , good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character that stands in the way of my use fullness to you and my fellows.Grant me strength as i go out from here to do thy bidding, Amen."

Third, After your daily surrendering of your life and will over to God, it is important that when you are making the many decisions through out each day, you make those decisions based on the fact that your life is not yours anymore, but Gods. Each day is the chance to make a better offering of our lives to Him, and making better decisions that show God we really are genuine about the life we have surrendered to Him.

This is the true faith that will cause Jesus to seal His Spirit into you, making Christ , and His word yours to claim. The sealing of the Holy Spirit doesn't happen with a momentary belief or commitment to Him.

If you follow these steps, God will slowly take the life you've offered Him. At that point He will regenerate your life, as long as you continually on a daily basis to surrender your life to Him.

For the record, this is not necessarily the views of TOL.

Ben Masada

New member
This thread is dedicated to all the guests that come into TOL seeking Him.

How does one start a relationship with God.

First, God calls those or draws those He wants to have a relationship with. We respond by turning and taking a step towards Him. You may have done that by merely coming to this site to find out more about God.

Second, we answer the call by personally surrendering our life to Him.

This should be done at the beginning of every day. The surrendering of our lives could be saying something like this prayer. "God, i offer myself to thee, to have with me and to build with me as thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that i may better do thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bare witness to those i would help of thy power, thy love, and thy way of life. May i do thy will always."

" My creator, i am now willing that you should have all of me , good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character that stands in the way of my use fullness to you and my fellows.Grant me strength as i go out from here to do thy bidding, Amen."

Third, After your daily surrendering of your life and will over to God, it is important that when you are making the many decisions through out each day, you make those decisions based on the fact that your life is not yours anymore, but Gods. Each day is the chance to make a better offering of our lives to Him, and making better decisions that show God we really are genuine about the life we have surrendered to Him.

This is the true faith that will cause Jesus to seal His Spirit into you, making Christ , and His word yours to claim. The sealing of the Holy Spirit doesn't happen with a momentary belief or commitment to Him.

If you follow these steps, God will slowly take the life you've offered Him. At that point He will regenerate your life, as long as you continually on a daily basis to surrender your life to Him.

Your suggestion is too complicated. Jesus' suggestion which I have already downloaded here is to listen to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31) As simple as that.


Ephesians 1:13New King James Version (NKJV)

13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

You are sealed with the Spirit upon believing in Jesus as saviour.

The Words believe, believing, and believer, are mistranslations of the Greek word "pisteuo".

There is no such thing as "believing" in the Greek texts.


Your suggestion is too complicated. Jesus' suggestion which I have already downloaded here is to listen to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31) As simple as that.

Surrendering your life to Christ on an everyday basis, and backing it up with decisions that support that surrender is complicated? It's actually very simple, just hard to do for selfish beings like ourselves.