How to apply the Bible to Government

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erinmarie said:
Aimiel!! Do you know how ignorant that sounds!
No, I hadn't thought about it. Yes, it was spread by queer behavior, and all I meant to say was that Sodomites or Gommorrahans might have had something even worse spreading itself around through their queer behavior, we just don't know. God knew. He knew what reason He had for bringing justice to the cities was, we don't, as yet. I didn't mean to step on any 'intellectual' syntax toes or to say anything which is blatantly impossible occurred, and I believe that most who might read what I wrote would only conclude that what I meant was understood, whether you do or not. I do apologize if you assumed that what I said was what I meant. I don't believe that you realize that you didn't understand what I thought I made perfectly clear by being colloquial. :p


how to apply the bible to the government?

hit em with it. who ever lives close to a senator should get a bible and hit him with it.

They use the bible as toilet paper to wipe up after them,..

did you here the last speach by bush hog?

and after he talks about all the good their doing in Iraq at a billion$$$$$$ a day and 2 or 3 american boys dead another handfull busted up, all for freedom . and then he has the audacity to say and god bless america. ya , right bushdog, are you sure your from waco and not crawford , your only about 100 miles away, bushbird.
that 's using God's name in vain, and he will pay a big price, even bigger than a little hanging on a tree.

trust me on that one.



David2 said:
how to apply the bible to the government?

hit em with it. who ever lives close to a senator should get a bible and hit him with it.

They use the bible as toilet paper to wipe up after them,..

did you here the last speach by bush hog?

and after he talks about all the good their doing in Iraq at a billion$$$$$$ a day and 2 or 3 american boys dead another handfull busted up, all for freedom . and then he has the audacity to say and god bless america. ya , right bushdog, are you sure your from waco and not crawford , your only about 100 miles away, bushbird.
that 's using God's name in vain, and he will pay a big price, even bigger than a little hanging on a tree.

trust me on that one.


OK, time to take you out.

Bye bye :wave2:


billy bob
i know you are flag waving american that LOVES his country 1st before god or thinks that this is God's Holy Land. your type are not knew to me. i stll live in the states you know i'm dual .

i too, love america, but not the fathers and the current fathers, who are but criminals in the name of god, _____ and if you can't see they think represent God as if they were holy men,, then you too might be so far off base , you can't be saved.
It's just that way___ they're rules were made for obediant fools, and for the guidance of wise men.

so though i still love you , i know you feel that i shouldn't rag on the "beastly boys", but "have you not read ", as jesus would say, what the Spirit saith to the churches, 7 all nations.

The saints , angels are not defilled by women,? Rev 14:3
Who are the women?

answer/ The beastly boys and their respective concepts of freedom , which is nothing more than an exploitive society (do etymology on society) convincing you to give all time ie labour, to dark corners and secret orders _________ie -Yalers, Princeton boys and the blair -witch projects, via sharonsky areials and lalala promise-peace land.

They will take you down an "oily" slippery slope on what appears to be joy slide in a fun park, but you will land in an abyss of famine , pestilenc and the resurrection.

Just like the prophets said, and jesus, and Paul and John and Moses.

The Word is the same from beginnng to end, and they will sing a new song "the SONG OF MOSES'. rev 5:9 , 14:3 = many times written in OT.

HERE THAT ?/? God says"""" I AM the beginning and the end """" no one comes to me unless He what ?

answer/ fulfills ______________THE WORD ___________ laws of God. not man, not bush,es _____ eat drink and try mary. CON STATUTES .LOL isn't that beautifully said?

that's a fools paradise _____-yes paradise, but so is a swine wallowing in the mire , paradise to him!

hear carefully,

you have never hear the Word spoken like this b/c it's 'plain and simple' and not ambiguous.


oh wouldn't you love to have at me in person _____________________? lol
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