How the US engineered the Irish gay marriage vote


New member
The author says other nations will be next.....The facts for those who are interested, from MassResistance:




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Hall of Fame
I'm interested in how foreign entities can play a role in culture and politics. I'm not interested specifically in how it relates to gay marriage. :p

The Barbarian

From the link:

Then, after the their 2009 “gay marriage” referendum defeat in Maine, the homosexual movement decided to craft an entirely new approach toward elections.

They brought together groups of political strategists, psychologists, pollsters, organizing experts, and various “think tank” types. They meticulously studied the data and their election experiences and designed a new set of strategies and tactics to win against their “right wing” adversaries.

They created a sophisticated propaganda campaign. They shipped thousands of activists into key voting areas to canvass door to door. In order to soften the average people toward homosexuality and create an animus against traditional religious values, they resurrected many of the “big lie” techniques used by the 20th-century totalitarian movements. For example, people were told over and over that not allowing “gay marriage” was bad for the economy and that only backward, ignorant, and superstitious people were still against it.

They decided to copy the religious right. However, I'm thinking that people just got sick of the unrelenting hate from the right, and decided that accepting homosexual marriage was a good way to poke the bigots in the eye.

Serpent's people brought this on themselves.


New member
I'm interested in how foreign entities can play a role in culture and politics. I'm not interested specifically in how it relates to gay marriage. :p
It's hugely, massively important in its implications. It's not some trivial matter.....:sleep:


New member
From the link:

Then, after the their 2009 “gay marriage” referendum defeat in Maine, the homosexual movement decided to craft an entirely new approach toward elections.

They brought together groups of political strategists, psychologists, pollsters, organizing experts, and various “think tank” types. They meticulously studied the data and their election experiences and designed a new set of strategies and tactics to win against their “right wing” adversaries.

They created a sophisticated propaganda campaign. They shipped thousands of activists into key voting areas to canvass door to door. In order to soften the average people toward homosexuality and create an animus against traditional religious values, they resurrected many of the “big lie” techniques used by the 20th-century totalitarian movements. For example, people were told over and over that not allowing “gay marriage” was bad for the economy and that only backward, ignorant, and superstitious people were still against it.

They decided to copy the religious right. However, I'm thinking that people just got sick of the unrelenting hate from the right, and decided that accepting homosexual marriage was a good way to poke the bigots in the eye.

Serpent's people brought this on themselves.
The Catholic Church in Ireland may have provoked it, too......


New member
I found the article very enlightening.

I was particularly disturbed by the following points:

(A) ...the weakness of the Catholic Church and refusal of the Pope to intervene,
...We were told that the Catholic Church was very weak on this issue and did not officially call for a "No" vote. According to the Catholic Action League, at least 15 priests publicly endorsed the "Yes" campaign and at least one bishop criticized the pro-family efforts.

In a Catholic country this should be appalling.
But it isn't surprising when you note that the RC church
(1) hides thousands of pedophiles.
(2) invests in pornography.
(3) is two-faced and spineless regarding ALL religious issues.

(B) ...So months before the election – with the help of the country’s police force – they set up pro-gay marriage voter registration areas at college campuses.

Precisely how the Lesbian Wynn took over Ontario:
She promised the Police Union raises and extra shifts and perks,
and they actually ran their own ad campaign to bully immigrants
to vote Liberal "or else".

The cops are now officially homosexuals, and have no interest in persuing pedophiles
any more than the Catholic church is interested in persuing pedophile priests.

(C) But now, they would tap the “gay” moneymen for very large sums of money. ...the total LGBT funding to achieve “gay marriage” in Ireland has been estimated at between $17 and $25 million – roughly 50 times what was raised and spent by the pro-family side. The millionaires and billionaires ostensibly on our side could easily donate many times the money necessary to fight this effectively. But they have virtually all become emasculated by fear of the “gay mafia”.

They thought I was exaggerating when I said the Uber-rich were all homosexuals, pederasts, pedophiles, child molestors, 'white-slavers' and child murderers.
But its plain that if you want big money, you have to go to big money people,
who are faggots and torturer-murderers.



New member
I found the article very enlightening.

I was particularly disturbed by the following points:

(A) ...the weakness of the Catholic Church and refusal of the Pope to intervene,
...We were told that the Catholic Church was very weak on this issue and did not officially call for a "No" vote. According to the Catholic Action League, at least 15 priests publicly endorsed the "Yes" campaign and at least one bishop criticized the pro-family efforts.

In a Catholic country this should be appalling.
But it isn't surprising when you note that the RC church
(1) hides thousands of pedophiles.
(2) invests in pornography.
(3) is two-faced and spineless regarding ALL religious issues.

(B) ...So months before the election – with the help of the country’s police force – they set up pro-gay marriage voter registration areas at college campuses.

Precisely how the Lesbian Wynn took over Ontario:
She promised the Police Union raises and extra shifts and perks,
and they actually ran their own ad campaign to bully immigrants
to vote Liberal "or else".

The cops are now officially homosexuals, and have no interest in persuing pedophiles
any more than the Catholic church is interested in persuing pedophile priests.

(C) But now, they would tap the “gay” moneymen for very large sums of money. ...the total LGBT funding to achieve “gay marriage” in Ireland has been estimated at between $17 and $25 million – roughly 50 times what was raised and spent by the pro-family side. The millionaires and billionaires ostensibly on our side could easily donate many times the money necessary to fight this effectively. But they have virtually all become emasculated by fear of the “gay mafia”.

They thought I was exaggerating when I said the Uber-rich were all homosexuals, pederasts, pedophiles, child molestors, 'white-slavers' and child murderers.
But its plain that if you want big money, you have to go to big money people,
who are faggots and torturer-murderers.

Kuddos to you, my man, for taking the time to actually read the piece, and grasp the main points and author's thesis. :BRAVO:


New member
Hall of Fame

That appears to be a link about how gay marriage is terrible in general. I thought you meant implications related your topic, which is an American group funding this effort in Ireland. If I wanted to read why you think gay marriage is bad I could just pick one of your 10000000 threads on it. :eek:

It seems you still believe that gay marriage won't become the norm. Maybe you should finally come to terms with it. It's basically a done deal. :plain:


New member
That appears to be a link about how gay marriage is terrible in general. I thought you meant implications related your topic, which is an American group funding this effort in Ireland. If I wanted to read why you think gay marriage is bad I could just pick one of your 10000000 threads on it. :eek:

It seems you still believe that gay marriage won't become the norm. Maybe you should finally come to terms with it. It's basically a done deal. :plain:
Well, I see what you mean.
No, I have made peace with the fact that the Supreme Court will legalize it. Then I'll shut my trap. :)


New member
I wonder if GFR7 would have been so concerned if money from US conservative groups would have been used to prevent the law from passing....


New member
Because they ought to leave it to the Irish to figure it out themselves, without exerting undue influence. Had a US group exerted such in an effort to get the Irish to vote "No" on the gay marriage referendum, it would have been dreadful, simply dreadful......


New member
Because they ought to leave it to the Irish to figure it out themselves, without exerting undue influence. Had a US group exerted such in an effort to get the Irish to vote "No" on the gay marriage referendum, it would have been dreadful, simply dreadful......

Is that your opinion about our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan too?

Either way, they did figure it out themselves. They figured out that by accepting money from US citizens they could get this passed.