How Smart is the FOOL???


New member
Listen all you "Smart" ~~~people!!

( You all call "Yourselves Christians" ), but You left Out that GOD does all the CALLING, -- Smart people!!! - You don't believe that??? - Read IT!!!

(( Geneses 2:20 KJV )) -- 20- "And Adam gave names to ( ALL ) cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field'. --//-----
What did Adam / GOD Name ( ALL ) the Animals / Creatures IN THE GARDEN of EDEN??? -- ((( "CLEAN" )))!!! -- What??? ----- God named ALL Creatures in His Garden, (( "CLEAN" ))!!! ---- What does God / Christ ((( NAME ))) (( ALL )) the -- "Creatures", / all New Born Created Creatures - in the New Garden of God, the Church / the Body of Christ??? --- ((( CLEAN / "CLEAN")))!!! -- There is But ONE NAME, - not your phony John Doe ~title!!! -- What does "CHRISTIAN" Mean?? --- (( "CLEAN" like God )) -- And what is the NAME??? --- ((((( "CHRIST" / "Christian" )))))!!! -- IF One is IN CHRIST, - he is What?? -- ((( CLEAN / "CLEAN" / "CHRISTIAN" ))) - (( Read IT ))!!!

(( Acts 22:16 KJV )) -- 16- "(( And now why tarriest thou ))? arise, and ((( be Baptized ))), ((((( AND "WASH AWAY" ))))) thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord". --&--
(( Acts 2:38 KJV )) -- 38- "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and ((( Be Baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ ))) ((((( For the Remission of Sins ))))), --&--

(( Daniel 12:10 KJV )) -- 10- "Many shall be purified, ((( and made white )))!!! --&--

(( Revelation 3:5 KJV )) -- 5- "He that overcometh, the same Shall be Clothed in
((( WHITE ))) raiment; (( and I will not blot out his name )) out of the Book of Life". --//----- (( Christ IS The White RAIMENT ))!!!!!!

What does GOD / Christ say there, - all you who (( Call --- "Yourselves" )) ~christians??

AAAAHHHHHHHH -- Today's ~~~christians!!!! -- You all Just Throw everything AWAY!!!!

Paul, David -- 072614

