How God Died:


New member
If you’re lost, you’re dead IN sin, - and you are not in the Light and the Truth, but in Darkness and the Lie; -- you’re DEAD TO GOD. ---- Which is also to say: – If you’re lost, you’re dead TO Righteousness, and you are in Darkness and the Lie, and “GOD, “IS DEAD”, TO YOU”. --- God puts you away from Him, or you put God away from you. – You are DEAD to God, or God is DEAD to you. – You are DEAD in HELL, or God is DEAD in YOU!

You say that what I believe is not found in the Scriptures. – You can’t SEE the Spirit of the Word, and that’s the reason you can’t READ what I believe. – The Spirit of the Word is written in the Letter of the Word. - People who are lost and like you, might call the Spirit of the Word; - “READING BETWEEN THE LINES”. -- In the Bible, - if you cannot “read between the lines”, you can’t see the Spirit of the Word. – That is exactly what the following verses are referring to. --- 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 KJV – “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15- But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16- For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ”. ----
That is either the TRUTH or your god is the biggest LIAR in the Creation, and the father of them all. – That has to be the Truth or there is NO GOD who spoke it!
What the fool may call, “Reading between the lines” in other documents, - is the “SPIRIT OF THE WORD” in the Scriptures.
GOD has already entered into His “REST”, which means that God, or CHRIST, or the Holy Ghost are DONE / IT IS FINISHED, and there is “NOTHING” ELSE that THEY are going to do or say in ANY WAY! – What you read in the Letter of the Word, is JESUS, and Him Crucified / DEAD. – That’s the LETTER OF THE WORD!! – However, that which is not seen or heard, ( of the Word ), by the Lost, who cannot see the Spirit of the Word, or “Read between the lines” ARE DEAD. – You are guilty of the CROSS, -- meaning you crucified Christ, without repentance!! --- That’s what the GOSPEL IS, and IS FOR, but NOW, there is no Gospel available for anyone, because ALL HAVE DENIED CHRIST AND WHAT HE DID / “DID”, not what He’s going to do!
SO! – If you are lost, you crucified Jesus, even though you have heard and “SEEN” the Crucifixion, Burial, and the Resurrection of the LORD. – You were there through the Gospel. – That’s what the Gospel is for, - to place the sinner at the cross, either as a fool, or one who takes part in the crucifixion, burial, and the RESURRECTION. – Deny Baptism, you deny Christ and Him crucified by “YOU”! --- Galatians 3:1 KJV ------ Read that.- They heard the Gospel, but refused to OBEY that Truth. - The Gospel makes you a witness. - Jesus is crucified before your very EYES. – You either are there as a fool, or one who joins Jesus on the Cross. --- That’s the purpose of the GOSPEL; nothing else. - You are judged by your presence AT THE CROSS, by the Gospel. --- Romans 2:16 KJV – I just told you THE SECRET, THE MYSTERY of the Gospel. ------ Take it or deny it. – HOWEVER, YOU CANNOT DISPROVE THIS!!!
To the LOST, his knowledge is the light, and Christ is not allowed in your light, so you cast GOD out of your false light, into your false darkness, and you kill GOD TO YOU, but you are DEAD to God and His Light, and you remain in the darkness of your god the Devil.

Paul – 092211


New member
No, if you want I'll delete it. I can't really think of anything constructive to add to your thread.

I KNOW ~~THAT~~! -- Some people here call themselves "Christian" and conduct themselves as you did. -- It's easy to spot a foolish false christian, even in the dark!!

Paul -- 092711