How do you understand ‘Son of God’?


New member
In my knowledge, if someone is known as being ‘son of desert’, no one in the world would complain saying: “But a desert cannot have a son/baby”.

So let us see the possible meanings of the word ‘son’:
[1] It could tell us the environment from which the person in question came; as ‘son of city’, ‘son of mountain’, ‘son of Siberia’, ‘son of Africa’... etc.
[2] It could tell us the general state of the place from which he came; as in ‘son of war’, ‘son of poverty’... etc.
[3] It could also refer to a certain act by which the person is born; as ‘son of sin’.
[4] It could be simply of an insult; as son of bit***
[5] Finally, it simply tells us who is his father, mother or family.

So to understand the expression ‘Son of God’, one needs to know first the meaning of the word ‘God’ that Jesus refers to.

For example, a good Jew and a good Muslim have no choice but to see in the word ‘God’ just ONE Supernatural Being. Therefore, they have no choice but to understand the word ‘Son’ as in [5] which, in turn, has to sound nonsense to them.

In my knowledge, please correct me if I am wrong, Jesus never says explicitly:

“My Father in Heaven only is your God”.
“Your Father in Heaven only is your God”.
“The Father in Heaven only is your God”.
“Your God is me, Jesus Christ, only“.
“The Holy Spirit only is your God”.

But, on the other hand, Jesus reveals clearly that He and His/Our/The Father in Heaven are one. In other words, they are unified totally by the Divine Spirit of Love (the Holy Spirit). Therefore, they look to any outsider as if they were ONE BEING (One Entity), not two.

Please, don’t tell me that this union is beyond human imagination. Even in the material world (based on rules, not love), a formal contract (F) can also join two independent persons (A and B) and lets them form one company (C). It also lets them look to any outsider (their clients) as if they were one person only, no more two (assuming the two partners decide both on what is best to their company). In this case, contacting A, B or C is actually contacting all three.

In the spiritual realm:
(F) is the Spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit.
(A and B) are the Father in Heaven who didn’t incarnate and Jesus who took a human flesh to join His human creatures on earth.
(C) is their unified Will/Power, God.

To me in the least, ‘Son of God’ means simply, as in [1] above, that Jesus came directly from God’s Realm (or God’s Kingdom if you like); the heavenly company of the Father and Jesus.

Let us not forget that the world had to crucify Jesus, in the name of God’s Justice, for saying: “I and my Father are one”. So please feel free to judge me the way you like because, as you see, I personally agree with Jesus that He and my Father in Heaven are indeed one... and I try my best to live their divine love on earth as Jesus did.


Well-known member
Hi KerimF. Enjoyed reading your thoughts. I agree with several points you have made but not all. Here is what I have seen in my studies of this matter. I have been working on a book/Bible study on this topic for years.
1.) God is Spirit and invisible.
2.) God manifested a presence for himself so he could be seen by the things he planned to create.
3.) God brought forth light which was the miracle by which sight would be established.
4.) Our invisible Spiritual one God used his personal created image to reveal himself from the beginning of our scriptures.
5.) This super-natural visible presence of God became known as KJE LORD or YHWH and ultimately the heavenly Father.
6.) This image revealed in the light of sight was manipulated by God from a magnitude of glory that would kill a person to one that human's might call angelic.
7.) Genesis tells us that God had only one image while God as a Spirit contained a pluralistic living nature. example: The WORD was with God alive while actually being God. I've concluded that all aspects of God's spiritual nature can be said to be alive for God is life.
8.) The key to my understanding is that this God with a plural living nature chose only ONE IMAGE to reveal himself to men. "Let's make man after OUR IMAGE. After the image of God HE made man.
9.) To me this means when God appeared he only planned to use THAT IMAGE which appeared in the light he brought forth. Now this covers the Father's identity as God.

Now for the Son.
1.) Jesus said: The Father and I are one.
2.) If you have SEEN me you have SEEN the Father.
3.) Abraham knew me as God Almighty. Exodus 6:2-3 And even before Abraham - I AM
4.) Moses knew him as Jehovah/YHWY/LORD and identified him for the people of Israel.
5.) Our Lord Jesus, known as the Son of God, was/is God and the Son. The difference in the super-natural image of God, who was without a mother or even a Father, and God the Son was that our Lord was ultimately begotten of a human mother. It seems God had plans to use his ONE IMAGE more than once. The heavenly Father and the fleshly Son.
6.) Since, in our understanding a Father precedes the appearance of a Son in this world, then our One God was known as the Father and our One God as the Messiah was identified as the Son. Both the one God. Isaiah spoke of God having a duel identity. Isaiah 43:11 I, even I AM the LORD, beside ME (as God and Lordly presence) there is no Savior.
7.) Jesus was the fulfillment of Isaiah 43:11.
8.) John the Baptist plainly revealed the identity of our Messiah to us and added an interesting twist.
9.) John 1:18: (KJV)No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. Here is my take on this verse. No man at any time hath seen God, the only begotten Son, who is (now) in the bosom of the Father, he (John the Baptist) hath declared HIM (to us as God the Son) .
10.) The twist has since then become this: God the SPIRIT still uses his ONE IMAGE to represent him as the heavenly Father and since our Lord, who is the living WORD of God, has risen he has received the glory he ONCE SHARED with the Father in the beginning. Our Lord now is equally glorified and will one day introduce us to the heavenly Father. Here is the place Christ asked of the Father to give him the glory back that he had once shared being one with the Father as the WORD. John 17:4-5 Here is the time when our glorified Lord will finally introduce all his saints, who are by then immortal, to the Father in all his powerful glory. I Tim.6:15-16
11.) The Father and the Son are the ONE God but we glorify HIM as TWO for the works he accomplished for us. We will know each individually and yet they are ONE. Praise God
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New member
The Father and the Son are the ONE God but we glorify HIM as TWO for the works he accomplished for us. We will know each individually and yet they are ONE.

Did you wonder why Jesus focused clearly and specifically on the importance of having the Holy Spirit in one's life?

"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."

To me in the least, the word 'blasphemy' and the expression 'speaketh against', in this saying, is equivalent to 'denying' the 'existence' and/or the 'role' of the Holy Spirit, speaking practically.

In your opinion, what could be the end purpose of being born in this life?

[2a] There is no purpose.

[2b] This purpose is about filling certain God's needs?
--- God needs being glorified and honoured by men as much as possible.
--- God needs obedient followers to take care of his planets, as our planet Earth!

[2c] This purpose is about...
The answer [2c] could be known by those whose logical reasoning cannot accept [2a] and [2b]


Well-known member
Did you wonder why Jesus focused clearly and specifically on the importance of having the Holy Spirit in one's life?

"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."

To me in the least, the word 'blasphemy' and the expression 'speaketh against', in this saying, is equivalent to 'denying' the 'existence' and/or the 'role' of the Holy Spirit, speaking practically.

In your opinion, what could be the end purpose of being born in this life?

[2a] There is no purpose.

[2b] This purpose is about filling certain God's needs?
--- God needs being glorified and honoured by men as much as possible.
--- God needs obedient followers to take care of his planets, as our planet Earth!

[2c] This purpose is about...
The answer [2c] could be known by those whose logical reasoning cannot accept [2a] and [2b]

Hello KerimF,
Will enjoy pondering your questions and giving my opinions.
You asked: Did you wonder why Jesus focused clearly and specifically on the importance of having the Holy Spirit in one's life?

This is my take on our need for the Holy Spirit.
When the LORD created Adam, He only gave Adam a breath, a mere portion of the living Spirit coming from God, to complete Adam as a living soul.
In John 3:34 we read that our Spiritual God gave of His Spirit not by measure unto Jesus. This meant that Jesus was associated with the Spirit of God in all ways. As the Father directed him Jesus spoke, performed miracles, revealed mysteries, prophesied and so forth.

These two points show us that mankind was definitely lacking in the divine gift department. This is why Christ spoke of his having water for people to drink from which they would never thirst again. Of course the analogy of water refers to an additional portion of God's Spirit. I believe this additional portion is what will take us from beings mortal beings to eternal ones.

As far as blaspheming the Holy Spirit I look at it this way. First of all the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are the one God. We can identify them by the roles we know they play toward our creation and salvation and future life.
I say:
1.) You can blaspheme God and LORD, but Jesus, through his works can step in, call you to repentance, forgive you, and cover your sins. God was merciful to give mankind a rescuer.
2.) You can blaspheme the Lord Jesus but once again forgiveness and mercy can come through repentance due to the works of Christ.
3.) However, if you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit you do several things. You deny their is a powerful creator who can save us, you have called our Savior a failure at performing his works perfectly, and you have rejected God's gift of the Spirit in you to make way for you to follow Christ into his kingdom. You have pretty much rejected God's entire plan for your salvation. You have blasphemed all three. It is sort of like three strikes and YOU'RE OUT!

BTW, when I learned that water could be used as an analogy for the Holy Spirit, I wondered why the word 'breath' was used to talk about the spiritual essence given to Adam. One day I saw Christ had mentioned that the Spirit moves like the wind and you know not where it goes. Then I asked, "What is breath as we know it?" The answer was obvious - a mixture of moisture and air. Therefore, water and wind are even found in a breath, but a breath is a mere portion of the living Spirit. Water and wind represent pouring and moving.

Genesis 1 mentions from the start that God as a spiritual entity who moved upon the waters. Jesus once mentioned he desired for men to be one with the Father as he was one with the Father. How can humans become one in the same manner of Jesus? Answer: By God giving us more of his Spirit than we had when we came into this world. Jesus said he could do this through his gift of the Holy Spirit for us coming directly from God. This Spirit in us does all sorts of things in our lives but most importantly it holds us unto salvation like the grip of God's own hand.

I don't believe saints will ever be equal with the Father or our Lord, but we will be "more one" with them when we receive our additional life spirit. Then also we will be with the Father knowing him as he knows us. Father, Son, and Family.

KerimF stated:
In your opinion, what could be the end purpose of being born in this life?

[2a] There is no purpose.

[2b] This purpose is about filling certain God's needs?
--- God needs being glorified and honoured by men as much as possible.
--- God needs obedient followers to take care of his planets, as our planet Earth!

[2c] This purpose is about...
The answer [2c] could be known by those whose logical reasoning cannot accept [2a] and [2b]

I reject number 2a. There was a purpose for creating mankind. The total information about his reason is still a mystery but I do accept and theorize about a few things.
1.) Truth: God was planning to grow a family of those who would freely love him. He said reproduce and multiply; so, God's children in the womb belong to him first and we have been given the responsibility of caring for them.
2.) A theory: Angels were given have freewill along with eternal ife. God needed to know what they were going to do with their gift of freewill. One third of them, using their free will, rejected God. As far as I can tell there was no salvation plan established for them unless this is a clue. Scripture says that the saints will judge angels, so, maybe there is SOME hope for some?????? Angels no receiving forgiveness will just have to spend their eternal life in hell which was prepared for them.

Now the interesting part of MY THEORY revolves around the question how and when do they go to hell? I think I have found the answer and the creation of mankind plays a big role in their damnation and our glorification. This would be too long to post on this same thread but it does show that God had a big plan for mankind and it is much bigger than our living a short time in this world. We are warriors, who put on our armor, to fight against powers and principalities. I found clues in Psalm 82. If you would like to hear my THEORY I would love to share it ... but so many have called me foolish for seeing what I see in the chapter. Let me know. It will be a bit off of your topic regarding the Son of God ... although he is found in Ps82 as well.