How do you compare Democrats to Republicans (candidates)?


New member
The Dems are "compassionate"

not to the unborn... no, they kill the unborn.. and sell their body parts b/c they want to drive fancy Italian cars... That is more important than worthless babies no one wants...

The Rs like capitalism. Hopefully they do not embrace UNRESTRAINED capitalism that amounts to nothing more than greed... but anyway...

I personly would rather have someone who loves $$ AND the unborn than someone who... loves $$ ($300,000 "speeches") but not the unborn

Dems don't believe in putting jobs (held by those worthless creatures known as humans) over the sacred environment...

Rs care about the environment, but do not want to eliminate absolutely every speck of carbon dioxide in the environment (a natural substance found there anyway)--even if that were POSSIBLE-- if it means millions being unemployed..




New member

not just big... but HUGE government (translation: less rights, more control, less privacy, incompetence... more taxes)

Rs (NOT rinos!)= small government (translation: more freedom, less control of the citizenry, enforcement of laws, LESS taxes, more opportunity for small businesses to start up)

Why in God's name would ANYONE vote for a liberal?

never could figure out why people would... want their taxes to go up...




New member
hmmm... interesting... no argument yet.. :party:

Dems: pro-death

Rs: pro life.

Dems: accept corruption (assuming they aren't part of it, but they usually are)

Rs: fight against injustices like the Lois Lerner debacle..

Yeh... again... don't get how libs ever get elected..

Oh wait... How silly of me to forget!!!!!!!

Low-info voters...

Talk to a low-info voter today.. Your very life may depend on it..

(euthanasia legal in some states now... death panels... general lack of respect for human life.. getting worse by the day)


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I don't know of a difference between John Boehner and Barrack Obama. One is a muslim. One supports the other and blocks his party from stopping him.


New member
I don't know of a difference between John Boehner and Barrack Obama. One is a muslim. One supports the other and blocks his party from stopping him.

yeh, Boehner's a rino

or maybe he has a split personality... one a true R, one a rino... and one just massively confused...

which I guess anyone with 3 personalities would be..



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I use a spread sheet. It looks like this:

WOW! There is no difference between them!


I like Biden because he's a good guy, though his policies are a bit liberal for me. Most of the Republicans are too conservative. Trump speaks his mind unabashedly, which I respect but have questions about him actually being able to handle the presidency.

Overall, my favorite candidate is Ben Carson. There's a long way to go and a lot of questions to be asked but I like him a lot


New member
I like Biden because he's a good guy, though his policies are a bit liberal for me. Most of the Republicans are too conservative. Trump speaks his mind unabashedly, which I respect but have questions about him actually being able to handle the presidency.

Overall, my favorite candidate is Ben Carson. There's a long way to go and a lot of questions to be asked but I like him a lot

yeh, I think he probably has the best chance

for one, he should get the Black vote..

Trump is dishonest... exaggerates to the point of... dishonest


New member
D: persecute the opposition (Lois Lerner, virtually all WH staff...)

R: go after those who persecute others and violate the law

D: Let the thugs rule

R: Put the violent thugs in jail to protect the law abiding

it's just such a no brainer..



The Dems are "compassionate"

not to the unborn... no, they kill the unborn.. and sell their body parts b/c they want to drive fancy Italian cars... That is more important than worthless babies no one wants...

The Rs like capitalism. Hopefully they do not embrace UNRESTRAINED capitalism that amounts to nothing more than greed... but anyway...

I personly would rather have someone who loves $$ AND the unborn than someone who... loves $$ ($300,000 "speeches") but not the unborn

Dems don't believe in putting jobs (held by those worthless creatures known as humans) over the sacred environment...

Rs care about the environment, but do not want to eliminate absolutely every speck of carbon dioxide in the environment (a natural substance found there anyway)--even if that were POSSIBLE-- if it means millions being unemployed..



1. How does "republicanchick" explain the Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. Administrations - 20 years with conservatives in the White House and in many cases majorities in the Senate and the House but no serious attempt to overturn Roe v Wade?

At least the Democrats are upfront about their stamd on abortionm while the republicans practice "bait and switch."

2. How does "republicanchick" explain that the federal debt/GDP ratio reached its point since WW2 during the Carter Administration (32.5%) and "ballooned" under the Reagan Administration (up 20%), the Bush Sr. Administration (up 13%) and the Bush Jr. Administration (up 27%) - despite political platforms that all promised tax cuts and smaller government?

Three more examples of "bait and switch."

3. How does "republicanchick" explain how the Bush Jr. Administration inherited a balanced a balanced budget and despite 8 years of tax cuts left office with the legacy of the largest economic recession since 1929?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
1. How does "republicanchick" explain the Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. Administrations - 20 years with conservatives in the White House and in many cases majorities in the Senate and the House but no serious attempt to overturn Roe v Wade?

how do you do that?


New member
1. How does "republicanchick" explain the Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. Administrations - 20 years with conservatives in the White House and in many cases majorities in the Senate and the House but no serious attempt to overturn Roe v Wade?

geez... you need to go back to Government 101

The president has NO power to overturn Roe v Wade... guess you didn't know about the other branches of govenrment...

how the LEGISLATURE is the branch that makes laws... (??)