House intelligence committee unanimously votes to release Democratic memo

The Barbarian

The House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously Monday evening to make public the Democratic memo rebutting GOP allegations that the FBI abused surveillance laws, the committee's top Democrat said, a move that will put the issue back on President Donald Trump's desk this week.
The classified memo from Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, is written to push back against the central allegations of the Republican memo from Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes. Nunes' memo was released Friday and alleges the FBI abused the FISA process in obtaining a surveillance warrant on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The GOP-led House Intelligence Committee blocked the release of the Democratic memo at last week's committee meeting, saying members had just been presented with the document, instead moving forward with the four-page Nunes memo that now has been declassified after Trump agreed to its release Friday.
The panel did, however, agree last week to let the full House review the Schiff memo in a classified setting. Republicans leaving the closed-door meeting on Monday said they support its release, which is now in the hands of the White House.
The process for publicly releasing the Schiff memo is the same as the Nunes document: The President will have five days to decide whether to allow the document to be made public or object to its release. If the President objects, the House Intelligence Committee could send the matter to the full House to debate in closed session and vote on whether to make the memo public.
Following Monday's vote, a White House official said the Schiff memo will be "reviewed" -- but again stopped short of vowing to declassify it.

The democrats made sure that the FBI had the memo, in case the White House tries to redact any embarrassing or incriminating material, using national security as an excuse.


Well-known member
The House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously Monday evening to make public the Democratic memo rebutting GOP allegations that the FBI abused surveillance laws, the committee's top Democrat said, a move that will put the issue back on President Donald Trump's desk this week.
The classified memo from Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, is written to push back against the central allegations of the Republican memo from Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes. Nunes' memo was released Friday and alleges the FBI abused the FISA process in obtaining a surveillance warrant on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The GOP-led House Intelligence Committee blocked the release of the Democratic memo at last week's committee meeting, saying members had just been presented with the document, instead moving forward with the four-page Nunes memo that now has been declassified after Trump agreed to its release Friday.
The panel did, however, agree last week to let the full House review the Schiff memo in a classified setting. Republicans leaving the closed-door meeting on Monday said they support its release, which is now in the hands of the White House.
The process for publicly releasing the Schiff memo is the same as the Nunes document: The President will have five days to decide whether to allow the document to be made public or object to its release. If the President objects, the House Intelligence Committee could send the matter to the full House to debate in closed session and vote on whether to make the memo public.
Following Monday's vote, a White House official said the Schiff memo will be "reviewed" -- but again stopped short of vowing to declassify it.

The democrats made sure that the FBI had the memo, in case the White House tries to redact any embarrassing or incriminating material, using national security as an excuse.

It's simply a rebuttal to the other memo. And they complain because the rebuttal had to wait in line just the same as the memo did. I hope it all comes out. Even so, the lying media won't report on it.

The Barbarian

It's simply a rebuttal to the other memo.

Containing facts that the first memo attempted to hide from us.

And they complain because the rebuttal had to wait in line just the same as the memo did.

Initially, the republicans voted to keep it hidden from us. Only later, when the first memo failed, did they agree to let all the information out.

I hope it all comes out.

A little at a time. Each week, the media turn up more information.


Well-known member
Containing facts that the first memo attempted to hide from us.


Initially, the republicans voted to keep it hidden from us. Only later, when the first memo failed, did they agree to let all the information out.

Wrong, the Dems memo was not even submitted until after the Rep. memo was submitted to the President. It was a rebuttal memo....there was nothing to hide.

A little at a time. Each week, the media turn up more information.

It's all coming out. You'd better watch Fox if you want to know the facts as they come out.

patrick jane


Wrong, the Dems memo was not even submitted until after the Rep. memo was submitted to the President. It was a rebuttal memo....there was nothing to hide.

It's all coming out. You'd better watch Fox if you want to know the facts as they come out.
Yes, FOX has been right all along. #1 in Cable News.


Fact: It was the DNC who paid a former Mi6 agent and pro Clinton operative, to get specious, unsubstantiated material from Russian agents to use to effect the outcome of a presidential election. It didn't work because we didn't take the bait and Clinton sucked so bad anyway!

The Barbarian

It's all coming out. You'd better watch Fox if you want to know the facts as they come out.

Q: How do you keep Trump uninformed?
A: Take away his FOX News

Q: How to you keep Trump misinformed?
A: Give it back to him.

But now, as the WH narrative starts to crumble, it's going to be harder and harder to hide from the facts.


New member
Fact: It was the DNC who paid a former Mi6 agent and pro Clinton operative, to get specious, unsubstantiated material from Russian agents to use to effect the outcome of a presidential election. It didn't work because we didn't take the bait and Clinton sucked so bad anyway!

I think everyone will soon find out that the material did not actually come from real Russian sources. The vast majority of the material was spoon fed by a long time Clinton dirt dealer, and then made to look like it came from Russians.

The Barbarian

I think everyone will soon find out that the material did not actually come from real Russian sources. The vast majority of the material was spoon fed by a long time Clinton dirt dealer, and then made to look like it came from Russians.

We now know that the initial FISA warrant never even involved the Steele dossier. Nunes tried to hide the fact, but it was revealed anyway.

Nice try, but that kind of thing never gets covered up for long.


Fact: It was the DNC who paid a former Mi6 agent and pro Clinton operative, to get specious, unsubstantiated material from Russian agents to use to effect the outcome of a presidential election. It didn't work because we didn't take the bait and Clinton sucked so bad anyway!

The Real Facts

October 2015 - The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website primarily funded by Republican donor, Paul Singer, hired the American research firm Fusion GPS to conduct general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates.

May 3, 2016 - when Trump becomes the presumptive nominee on May 3, 2016, the Free Beacon stopped funding research on him

April 2016 - Marc Elias, partner in the large Seattle-based law firm Perkins Coie, hired Fusion GPS to do opposition research on Trump. Elias was the attorney of record for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton presidential campaign.
- Fusion GPS hired Orbis Business Intelligence, a private British intelligence firm, to look into connections between Trump and Russia. Orbis co-founder Christopher Steele, a retired British MI6 officer with expertise in Russian matters, was hired as a subcontractor to do the job.
- Orbis (Steele) was hired between June and November 2016, and Steele produced 16 memos.

- according to Fusion GPS's co-owners, Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritsch, Steele was not told who their clients were and "gave him no specific marching orders beyond this basic question: 'Why did Mr. Trump repeatedly seek to do deals in a notoriously corrupt police state that most serious investors shun?'"
- Perkins Coie paid Fusion GPS $1.02 million in fees and expenses, $168,000 of which was paid to Orbis and used by them to produce the dossier
- Simpson has stated that none of Steele's sources were paid for their information–Russia_dossier


1. The research was originally funded by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website primarily funded by a Republican donor.

2. Marc Elias, the attorney of record for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton presidential campaign replaced The Washington Free Beacon and tasks Fusion GPS's with answering the basic question: 'Why did Mr. Trump repeatedly seek to do deals in a notoriously corrupt police state that most serious investors shun?'"

3. Fusion GPS outsources the research to the private British intelligence firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, co-owned by Christopher Steele, a retired British MI6 officer with extensive Russian experience.

4. Following established procedures, Steele was never told told who hired Fusion GPS and was paid $168 000 which included 16 memos.

5. Steele did not use paid informants in compiling information for the dossier.

8. Hillary Campaign never used the contents of the Dossier during the 2016 Election, to counter Donald Trump's extensive use of the illegally hacked DNC emails provided courtesy of the Russians and WikiLeaks!

7. Steele was so concerned about the nature of Trump's involvement with the Russians that he eventually contacted Senator McCain and met with the FBI.

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