Homosexual child pornographer destroys school district


New member
Never let the government run anything to do with children.

It will be a hub for pedophile rings run by government homosexuals.


New member
Hall of Fame
I retract this thread because nothing will be done to this guy. Why? Because...are you ready for it?...wait for it...waaaaait for it....


The nation we think we're still living in is long dead.

From your article:

These allegations are deeply troubling because, if true, they suggest that DHS was aware for months or years that Mr. Covarrubias-Padilla posed a public safety threat to the children he was monitoring, yet took no action to revoke his DACA authorization,” Grassley, a Republican, wrote to Johnson.

All of them belong in jail, how is that any different than the priests in the RCC who knew about their pervs and just moved them around?