Homo Pedophile Hollywood not Exaggerated


New member
The Stars, script writers, producers and directors of Hollywood
have spent over 10 decades influencing and manipulating our moral values,
destroying the innocence of children and exploiting everyone and themselves
in the pursuit of money and a society in which they can safely indulge themselves
in perversities and behaviours that would have had them executed
a mere 100 years ago.

Back in the days when homosexuality and perversions were kept hidden,
Hollywood actually did some good, creating stories and exposing injustices
and propelling the USA toward its own golden era of greatness.

But even back then, Hollywood often capitulated to bigotry and injustice,
in its own treatment of blacks both off-screen and on-screen,
its shallow stereotyping of women and its promotion of misogyny,
and other crimes like promoting "Boystown" which was really a homosexual
pedophile ring operated by Jesuits and servicing pedophile politicians.

A review of just how widespread and perverse the homosexual promiscuity
was back then is in order:


Ed Koch
The mayor of New York City during the devastating early years of the AIDS crisis, Koch was criticized by many for insufficient action to address the epidemic. Activist and playwright Larry Kramer even called him "an evil man" who helped gay men die. Some of his critics also openly called him a closeted gay man. A longtime friend, journalist Charles Kaiser, confirmed after Koch's death in 2013 that the former mayor was indeed gay. But he was not self-hating, Kaiser said, merely from a generation that did not address such matters publicly. Kaiser also said Koch regretted not doing more about AIDS but that he did take many pro-gay actions, including, while a U.S. congressman, introducing the first version of what is now known as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Katharine Hepburn (pictured above in Sylvia Scarlett)
The original gender-norm rebel, Hepburn was iconoclastic in her choices of film roles, her choice of men's clothing, and her lovers. Scotty Bowers's 2012 book Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and the Secret Sex Lives of the Stars lays raw the sex lives of the bronze, golden, and silver ages of Hollywood. His decades as a procurer for the various colorful sexual personalities in Hollywood and Beverly Hills spell out in stark terms the specifics to which the gay rumors had only just alluded. Names are named, among them Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Cole Porter, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Vivien Leigh, Cary Grant, George Cukor, Anthony Perkins, and Rock Hudson. He claims to have arranged over 150 hook-ups for the Oscar-winning actress and claims that her famed relationship with Spencer Tracy was a sham. Is Bowers to be believed? Cynic, truth-seeker, and homosexual Gore Vidal insisted that Bowers's stories hold up. — Christopher Harrity

Anthony Perkins
The dark and brooding boy next door had a secret, and that secret was that his boyfriend was the sunny and athletic boy next door Tab Hunter. Perkins's appeal was a sincere and vulnerable personality with a face that revealed emotions that lurked beneath the surface. He was an award-winning actor early in his career as well as a recording star with Billboard-charted hits. His fame exploded with the release of Hitchcock's Psycho, and forever after he was typecast as the "disturbed young man." There are photos of Perkins and Tab Hunter on arranged double dates as they sit next to each other in movie houses with the girls flanking the outside. Everyone looks miserable. Off camera, Perkins suffered great anxiety over his sexual orientation and underwent therapy to help overcome his attraction to other men. He eventually married a woman, photographer Berry Berenson (who was a passenger on the hijacked American Airlines Flight 11, which crashed into the World Trade Center September 11, 2001), and fathered two sons, but according to TCM never fully overcame his personal demons and suffered the dismay of learning he was HIV-positive via a story in The National Enquirer. — C.H.

Sally Ride
The first American woman in space, Ride had a long-term same-sex relationship, something that didn't become known until she died in 2012; her obituary listed her female partner, Tam O'Shaughnessy, as a survivor. Ride, who flew multiple space missions, was married to a man, fellow astronaut Stephen Hawley, when she met O'Shaughnessy; the revelation of their divorce coincided with her retirement from NASA. "She was so eager to promote and protect the space agency, she might well have hidden her private life to help preserve its image," speculates biographer Lynn Sherr in the just-published Sally Ride: America's First Woman in Space. Ride also had witnessed her lesbian sister, Bear, being forced out of a job in the clergy due to her sexual orientation, something else that may have kept the astronaut in the closet. Ride and O'Shaughnessy went on to found Sally Ride Science, an organization that encourages girls to pursue scientific careers. Their relationship was an open secret to employees there, known but not discussed, but Ride gave O'Shaughnessy permission to open her closet door posthumously. — T.R.

Władziu Valentino Liberace is perhaps the most dramatic example of denial on the list. Putting the flame in flamboyant, Liberace lived with his lover, assistant, and co-perfomer Scott Thorsen for five years before Thorsen sued him for palimony. After gossip magazines began printing gay-baiting articles about him, he took legal action against both the Daily Mirror in the U.K. and Confidential magazine here in the States, testifying in his libel case that he was not a homosexual and had never participated in homosexual acts. Liberace died in 1987 of AIDS-related pneumonia, but his personal physician persisted in denying the pianist had AIDS. After an autopsy, Riverside County, Calif., coroner Ray Carrillo finally confirmed that Liberace had indeed died "of opportunistic diseases caused by AIDS." — C.H.

Rock Hudson
The 6-foot-5 actor was the king of the dreamboats. His light comedy romps with Doris Day as well as his more serious films like Giant and Seconds allowed him to also be considered as a serious actor. His television series McMillan & Wife kept him on our screens once a week, and his last performances were on the campy, iconic Dynasty. Rock Hudson tried to play both sides of the closet. He was very out at his legendary pool parties. Folks such as Armistead Maupin have written about their sexual experiences with him. But he also married his agent Henry Wilson's secretary Phyllis Gates. Gates was revealed to be a lesbian later in The Advocate. The walls of the closet all but evaporated when Hudson began being seriously ill with AIDS. Even then he said it was from blood transfusions. Regardless, Hudson's death from AIDS complications resulted in enormous public awareness of the disease and as Morgan Fairchild said, "Rock Hudson's death gave AIDS a face." — C.H.

Roy Cohn
Roy Cohn is perhaps best known in popular culture as a leading antagonist in Angels in America, the Pulitzer Prize-winning play that was later adapted into a popular HBO series, in which Al Pacino portrayed Cohn in all his closeted hypocrisy. During the Red Scare era of American history, Cohn was an attorney who, under the authority of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, led a series of high-profile prosecutions of suspected members of the Communist Party. A prominent member of the U.S. Department of Justice’s prosecution team, Cohn was a major player in the 1951 trial and conviction of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, pulling strings as well as pulling false testimony from Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass, in order to secure the guilty verdict. He was also a major player in the Lavender Scare, one who helped convince President Eisenhower to bar gay people from employment with the federal government by promoting fears that they would pass on secrets to Communists abroad. Cohn would go on to target many public figures suspected of being gay, though there was speculation about his own gayness — and a rumored relationship with his chief consultant G. David Schine — during his lifetime. Eventually, he died of AIDS-related causes at the age of 59. — Daniel Reynolds

Barbara Jordan
When Barbara Jordan died of complications from pneumonia on January 17, 1996, she became the first black woman buried in the Texas State Cemetery — and likely the first lesbian, though her 30-year relationship with partner Nancy Earl wasn’t publicly acknowledged until Jordan’s obituary ran in the Houston Chronicle. A great civil rights leader and progressive politician who grew up in segregated Houston, Jordan was the first woman to serve in the House of Representatives in Texas in her own right (in 1972) and the first African-American in that state’s Senate after Reconstruction. In 1974 she was introduced to national audiences delivering a landmark speech on TV in favor of impeaching President Nixon, and in 1976 she was shortlisted as a possible running mate for Jimmy Carter. That didn’t pan out, but she did become the first black woman to deliver the Democratic National Convention’s keynote address. She battled multiple sclerosis and later leukemia, leading her to move out of politics, but Jordan stayed active in progressive causes long after she left elected office, chairing the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform until her death. President Bill Clinton told KUT radio, for the documentary Rediscovering Barbara Jordan, that he wanted to nominate Jordan for the United States Supreme Court, but by the time he could do so her health was too poor for her to be able to accept the post. — Diane Anderson-Minshall

Raymond Burr
In the 1950s and 1960s, American TV audiences enthusiastically welcomed Raymond Burr into their homes, first as ace defense attorney Perry Mason, who never lost a case, then as detective Robert Ironside. These heroic characters stand in stark contrast to Burr's most famous film role, as the sinister Lars Thorwald in the Hitchcock classic Rear Window. Would mid-century viewers have so readily accepted Burr as a hero if they knew he was gay? Most likely not. Burr took an unusual approach to covering up this fact — while other gay actors would go on studio-arranged dates with women, Burr (or perhaps a publicist) made up dead wives out of the whole cloth. He claimed he had been married to a Scottish actress who was killed in the same 1943 plane crash that took the life of movie star Leslie Howard. A second dead wife and a dead son later became part of his story, but like the first wife, they never existed. In reality, Burr was married once, briefly, to an aspiring actress, and they were divorced. Despite his prevarications, he appears to have been a likable man, and he had a happy long-term relationship with Robert Benevides, an actor who became his business manager as well as his life partner. They met early in the run of Perry Mason and remained together until Burr's death in 1993. — T.R.

Ramon Novarro
Novarro, a rival to Rudolph Valentino as the top heartthrob of silent films, is remembered today, sadly, mostly for his brutal murder in 1968. Two brothers, one of them an occasional hustler, were convicted of the crime, about which many apocryphal tales have spread; read more about that here. But Novarro was also a capable actor and a major star of the silents who transitioned successfully into sound films. After his stardom waned in the mid-1930s, he kept on working in supporting roles, and he even did TV guest shots into the '60s. He had several same-sex relationships; one of the most important ones was with journalist and publicist Herbert Howe in the 1920s. Studios occasionally concocted a straight "romance" for Novarro but most of the time attributed his bachelorhood to his devout Catholic faith — he did try at one point to enter a monastery — and his devotion to his parents, brothers, and sisters. He made many hit films, but the most notable and enduring one is the 1925 silent version of Ben-Hur. That movie may soon attract new audiences, as musician Stewart Copeland — the Police drummer turned film, television, and theater composer — has overseen a digital restoration of it and composed a new score for accompaniment. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, joined by Copeland, will perform the score when the film is shown Tuesday in the Windy City. Read a feature about the project and more about Novarro here. — T.R.

J. Edgar Hoover
Was J. Edgar Hoover a tyrant because he was a repressed, closeted gay man or was he simply a horrible person? That’s the question writers and directors have asked since the powerful FBI director died in 1972. Everyone from Ethel Merman to the Mattachine Society’s Harry Hay has been quoted as saying Hoover was gay, even if he didn’t himself acknowledge or accept it. While many have speculated on Hoover participating in gay sex parties and limo trysts with young men, there is little disagreement that he had a long, tumultuous, passionate relationship with his deputy at the FBI, Clyde Tolson. They traveled everywhere together, held hands, and both helped cement the FBI’s status as a frightening bureaucracy that cracked down on minorities, including gays and lesbians. In Clint Eastwood’s J. Edgar, written by Academy Award-winning out screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, Edgar (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) lays a big one on Tolson (Armie Hammer), and there’s no doubt their real relationship crossed first base. — Neal Broverman

Yes, some of the most powerful people in the USA in the last century
were homosexuals and pedophiles,
and they helped to erode and destroy
both the societal values of America and change the criminal codes,
namely having divorce laws, sodomy laws, indecency laws, obscenity laws,
rape laws, and now marriage laws struck down or turned inside out,
while pumping out false and nonsensical stories that promoted their

Paradoxically, they were often publicly enthusiastic persecutors of other gays,
sometimes as a cover-story or to hide their own perversions,
and also reflecting the hypocritical and dyslexic minds possessed by those
who flaunted the Biblical values handed down to us.



Roy Cohn
Roy Cohn is perhaps best known in popular culture as a leading antagonist in Angels in America, the Pulitzer Prize-winning play that was later adapted into a popular HBO series, in which Al Pacino portrayed Cohn in all his closeted hypocrisy. During the Red Scare era of American history, Cohn was an attorney who, under the authority of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, led a series of high-profile prosecutions of suspected members of the Communist Party. A prominent member of the U.S. Department of Justice’s prosecution team, Cohn was a major player in the 1951 trial and conviction of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, pulling strings as well as pulling false testimony from Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass, in order to secure the guilty verdict. He was also a major player in the Lavender Scare, one who helped convince President Eisenhower to bar gay people from employment with the federal government by promoting fears that they would pass on secrets to Communists abroad. Cohn would go on to target many public figures suspected of being gay, though there was speculation about his own gayness — and a rumored relationship with his chief consultant G. David Schine — during his lifetime. Eventually, he died of AIDS-related causes at the age of 59. — Daniel Reynolds

It's well documented that the Rosenberg's were communist spies, is your article implying that they were innocent?


J. Edgar Hoover
Was J. Edgar Hoover a tyrant because he was a repressed, closeted gay man or was he simply a horrible person? That’s the question writers and directors have asked since the powerful FBI director died in 1972. Everyone from Ethel Merman to the Mattachine Society’s Harry Hay has been quoted as saying Hoover was gay, even if he didn’t himself acknowledge or accept it. While many have speculated on Hoover participating in gay sex parties and limo trysts with young men, there is little disagreement that he had a long, tumultuous, passionate relationship with his deputy at the FBI, Clyde Tolson. They traveled everywhere together, held hands, and both helped cement the FBI’s status as a frightening bureaucracy that cracked down on minorities, including gays and lesbians. In Clint Eastwood’s J. Edgar, written by Academy Award-winning out screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, Edgar (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) lays a big one on Tolson (Armie Hammer), and there’s no doubt their real relationship crossed first base. — Neal Broverman

This vicious rumor about the great J. Edgar Hoover started of course after Hoover died (because cowards always start rumors after people die). Being that Hoover was a devout anti-communist, the Reds went after him. Ann Coulter's father, who was a Special Agent in the FBI under Hoover and many other agents and high ranking officials within the Bureau have quashed the lies that I see you've fallen for.



Do a better job of verifying the information in your copy and pastes Naz.


New member
It's well documented that the Rosenberg's were communist spies, is your article implying that they were innocent?


I couldn't care less about "communists" (read "Jews" in the eyes of Right wing German-American closet nazis),
nor about catching spies, for any government.

Thats because I'm a Christian, and I'm already committed and loyal
to a HIGHER power than any country or government or ideology.

If and when the USA conforms to the Bible, I back them up.
When they float off in some pervert-fest, I back away from them.

I don't believe like you do that 'justice systems' or police have any relevance.

They only have relevance when they follow the Laws of God,
which they almost never do currently.

Call me when you arrest a child-molestor for sodomy.

Otherwise tell the cops to beat it.

This guy framed the Rosenbergs because he already had convicted them
and judged them and sentenced them to death in his wicked LAWYER heart.

He didn't believe in "justice" or truth or even American superiority.
Since he bent and broke the principle of a fair trial and the presumption
of innocence, he was obviously a homosexual child-killing pervert
and a Freemason, because thats what all lawyers almost without exception are.

If you can show me even 10 lawyers in your city that you can prove
beyond reasonable doubt are NOT liars, homosexuals, freemasons, Jews,
murdering satanists, or evil dirtbags that believe in pure anarchy
and also selfish greed and self-worship,
then I won't pray that God destroys your city by wiping off the face of the earth.

But nothing will change the fact that Cohn was a murdering child-molesting homo lawyer.

This vicious rumor about the great J. Edgar Hoover started of course after Hoover died (because cowards always start rumors after people die). Being that Hoover was a devout anti-communist, the Reds went after him. Ann Coulter's father, who was a Special Agent in the FBI under Hoover and many other agents and high ranking officials within the Bureau have quashed the lies that I see you've fallen for.



Do a better job of verifying the information in your copy and pastes Naz.

Hoover also covered up and assisted the Kennedy Assassination,
and him and his cabal of unelected non-democratic cronies
and goons are all going to hell for 100% sure.

That will be true regardless of whether he swallowed some semen.

That will be true regardless of whether Kennedy was also a mobster,
and a pervert-fag.


I couldn't care less about "communists" (read "Jews" in the eyes of Right wing German-American closet nazis),
nor about catching spies, for any government.

Yet further down in your post you seem to care:

This guy framed the Rosenbergs because he already had convicted them
and judged them and sentenced them to death in his wicked LAWYER heart.

He didn't believe in "justice" or truth or even American superiority.
Since he bent and broke the principle of a fair trial and the presumption
of innocence, he was obviously a homosexual child-killing pervert
and a Freemason, because thats what all lawyers almost without exception are...

Hoover also covered up and assisted the Kennedy Assassination,
and him and his cabal of unelected non-democratic cronies
and goons are all going to hell for 100% sure.

That will be true regardless of whether he swallowed some semen.

That will be true regardless of whether Kennedy was also a mobster,
and a pervert-fag.

You seriously need some psychological help Naz.

Edit: I should note that the actor who played J. Edgar Hoover in the Clint Eastwood smear job of a movie seems to like to hang around homosexuals, seen here at the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) awards.



New member
Yet further down in your post you seem to care:

You seriously need some psychological help Naz.

You still don't get it.

It doesn't matter if the Rosenbergs were guilty or not of whatever.

The point is the lawyers, judges and legal system don't uphold


Thats a DEATH PENALTY offence in this case.


Homo Pedophile Hollywood not Exaggerated

1. The fact remains that if Ed Koch, Katharine Hepburn, Anthony Perkins, Sally Ride, Liberace, Rock Hudson, Roy Cohn, Barbara Jordan, Ramon Novarro and J. Edgar Hoover were all "gay," why would any of them deliberately choose that sexual orientation?

2. The obvious answer is that if one's sexual orientation was a choice there is no reason why any of these famous individuals would choose to be "gay" - living with the constant fear that they would be exposed to the public.

3. "Nazaroo's" title is based on the conservative mantra that if you repeat the "homo/pedophile" connection enough, then it must be true.

4. There is no evidence that homosexuals are any more predisposed to be pedophiles than heterosexuals.

5. They are 2 distinct things and "Nazaroo" has not provided any evidence that they are connected or that any of the famous "gays" listed ever engaged in pedophilia.

6. What "Nazaroo" does yearn for are the good old days where children were exposed to plenty of violence and murders but America's censors protected us all from topics related to sex on the silver screen.


..why would any of them deliberately choose that sexual orientation?

2. The obvious answer is that if one's sexual orientation was a choice there is no reason why any of these famous individuals would choose to be "gay" - living with the constant fear that they would be exposed to the public.

If you had been more than just a drive-by poster in my Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads, you'd know that a vast majority of homosexuals were raped as children and because of that were sexually confused and later had perverted desires.


New member
6. What "Nazaroo" doe screen.s yearn for are the good old days where visible minorities knew their place and censors protected us from sex and homosexuals on the silver screen.

(1) I am a visible minority. I'd have thought that would be obvious to anyone over 12, or with an IQ over 100.

(2) censors don't protect us, they protect children. Their current absence has done
more damage to child development than the last 2 world wars.


New member
You seriously need some psychological help Naz.

Edit: I should note that the actor who played J. Edgar Hoover in the Clint Eastwood smear job of a movie seems to like to hang around homosexuals, seen here at the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) awards.



You say you have evidence that an actor is a homo?

EVERY actor is a homo.


How would I not know that DeCaprio is a homo?
Is DeCaprio an actor?

I use "actor" in the loosest sense, just as actors sustain the loosest morals.


New member
If you had been more than just a drive-by poster in my Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads, you'd know that a vast majority of homosexuals were raped as children and because of that were sexually confused and later had perverted desires.
All he'd know is that unsubstantiated assertions and misinformation are your typical MO aCW. :mmph:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you had been more than just a drive-by poster in my Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads, you'd know that a vast majority of homosexuals were raped as children and because of that were sexually confused and later had perverted desires.

All he'd know is that unsubstantiated assertions and misinformation are your typical MO aCW. :mmph:

(Look at Al, using all of those multisyllable words).

You're gonna love (actually you'll hate it) Part 4 where I'll be indexing all of that information that can be accessed with the click of a mouse.

Tell me Al, are you going through withdraaaaawals since my thread closed?


If you had been more than just a drive-by poster in my Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads, you'd know that a vast majority of homosexuals were raped as children and because of that were sexually confused and later had perverted desires.
Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health

..... In scandals involving the Catholic church, the victims of sexual abuse were often adolescent boys rather than small children. Similarly, the 2006 congressional page scandal involved males who were at least 16 years old.

These are cases in which the term pedophilia – referring as it does to attractions to prepubescent children – can cause confusion. Rather than pedophilia, the accusations stemming from these scandals raised the question of whether gay people shouldn't be trusted in positions of authority where there is any opportunity for sexually harassing or abusing others.

Here again, there is no inherent connection between an adult's sexual orientation and her or his propensity for endangering others. Scientific research provides no evidence that homosexual people are less likely than heterosexuals to exercise good judgment and appropriate discretion in their employment settings. There are no data, for example, showing that gay men and lesbians are more likely than heterosexual men and women to sexually harass their subordinates in the workplace. Data from studies using a variety of psychological measures do not indicate that gay people are more likely than heterosexuals to possess any psychological characteristics that would make them less capable of controlling their sexual urges, refraining from the abuse of power, obeying rules and laws, interacting effectively with others, or exercising good judgment in handling authority. As explained elsewhere on this site, sexual orientation is not a mental illness nor is it inherently associated with impaired psychological functioning.

This "drive-by poster" actually took the time to check the medical literature - as usual there is absolutely no credible evidence to support any of "aCultureWarrior's" allegations.


New member
(Look at Al, using all of those multisyllable words).

You're gonna love (actually you'll hate it) Part 4 where I'll be indexing all of that information that can be accessed with the click of a mouse.

Tell me Al, are you going through withdraaaaawals since my thread closed?
I can wait aCW, don't you rush on my account. But you are the only repressed gay man in denial trapped in a heterosexual marriage I know, so you do provide some interest.:banana:


(1) I am a visible minority. I'd have thought that would be obvious to anyone over 12, or with an IQ over 100.

(2) censors don't protect us, they protect children. Their current absence has done
more damage to child development than the last 2 world wars.
Why do "conservatives" repeatedly resort to personal attacks when their "blanket statements," that cannot be substantiated, are challenged?

It appears that these people live in a "black and white" world where they have taken upon themselves the moral authority to invent their own facts.


This "drive-by poster" actually took the time to check the medical literature - as usual there is absolutely no credible evidence to support any of "aCultureWarrior's" allegations.

Yawwwwwn...I exposed your pro homosexual APA's and their junk research numerous times in my threads. Keep trying veggiegarden, you'll eventually have someone fall for your lies.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Yeah. The scene in the movie The Aviator about Howard Hughes in one of the exchanges with Hepburn and her communist heathen family and Hughes was correct, if not real.