'Homeland Security' employee behind racist website placed on paid leave


[DHS employee behind website promoting race war on paid leave] "The Department of Homeland Security said Friday that an employee who runs a racist website predicting and advocating a race war has been put on paid administrative leave.

Ayo Kimathi, an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement who is in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government, operates the website named "War on the Horizon." It includes descriptions of an "unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race." Kimathi is black.

Kimathi, who calls himself the "Irritated Genie," told his supervisors that the website was set up to sell concert and lecture videos.

Kimathi has been with the department since 2009. His website criticizes whites, gays, those of mixed race, and blacks who integrate with whites. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups, earlier this week reported on Kimathi's role in running the site.

The report showed the site's content strayed far beyond concert promotion, warning about a coming race war. The website declares, “in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” the Alabama-based SPLC said in its report..." Full text: DHS employee behind website promoting race war on paid leave :Nineveh: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Am 8:5, Jn 8:36, Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT
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New member
I don't care about the website. And, even if it just sold lecture videos, you know what those lectures would be.

But, I do wonder how a Ayo Kimathi could be qualified for the position in which he's employed. It sounds like he has a good job, yet he's too stupid to avoid running a racially inflammatory website. Looks like "Affirmative Action" strikes again. Another black guy given things he doesn't deserve, yet spends his free time complaining that he's a victim.


Serpdent Love, does it not seem interesting to you that you only use the word "racist" when the accused is a black man? It's as if you think racism doesn't exist [get the funny part] whilst making a racist point.

You want to see a non racist response? You forget the part about entitlement and playing the victim and you say:

Wow, four months paid leave? Fire him already! We don't tolerate racism!

It's quite simple really.

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Ironically this gives him more time to work on his website while being subsidized for it.


Let's see what he believes:

"The homophiles are coming!"
"This War Room is a continuation from last month’s War Room about the Obama Administration’s ecosexual terrorism against HBCU’s. In particular, Lincoln University has begun aggressively promoting white-sex (“homosexuality” and/or pedophilia) to the Black student body in order to continue ..."
"The zionist smallhat known as george zimmerman murdered our Brother Trayvon Martin; and his white female sisterhood agreed that he did the right thing. He’s walking .."
"Apr 2013 – PanAfrikans Beware: The Faggits Are Coming! "
"Feb 2013 – Amen (God of the Perfect Black) Amen is the hidden power that permeates the universe. Amen is the prime mover behind all things. Amen is the God of the Perfect Black that lives within the Black matter of Afrikan DNA. Amen is that we are."
"Mar 2012 – The $Price$ for Racial Treason Racial treason (miscegenation) has become the desirable and now achievable standard in the Black community. As fathers, uncles, and various other Black men promote the white female as the world’s standard of beauty – and adopt her as a mate whenever we have sufficient financial resources to do so, Black women are suffering quietly ..."

Sorry, I forgot which site I was on for a second there, nearly posted to TOL #2.

It's funny that he's as racist and idiotic as you, yet he has a little more right to it since you did keep his ancestors as pets, besides that - he's still wrong.


The you say part was hypothetical paraphrasing.



Well-known member
I don't care about the website. And, even if it just sold lecture videos, you know what those lectures would be.

But, I do wonder how a Ayo Kimathi could be qualified for the position in which he's employed. It sounds like he has a good job, yet he's too stupid to avoid running a racially inflammatory website. Looks like "Affirmative Action" strikes again. Another black guy given things he doesn't deserve, yet spends his free time complaining that he's a victim.

He was hired through affirmative action?