Hodgkinson was an Occupier


Well-known member

I think it is fair to blame the Democratic Party for his violence – recognizing, of course, that the primary blame always rests with the criminal – because the Democrats have deliberately created a crazed climate of hate in order to fire up their base. Which is to say, people like James Hodgkinson.

Has a single Democratic office-holder denounced, or even distanced himself from, the many acts of violence that have been committed in the name of liberalism over the past nine months? To my knowledge, no. In my opinion, leaders of the Democratic Party need to take a long look in the mirror. They have welcomed street violence as a useful part of their “Resistance” movement. Now we are seeing the tragic consequences.


The Horn

This is ridiculous . Hodgkinson is in no way typical of liberal Democrats or supporters of Bernie Sanders . This guy is an anomaly among liberals . He was obviously mentally ill .
The overwhelming majority of mass murders by guns in America in our time have been by right-wing extremist loonies . Liberal Democrats are overwhelmingly sane, rational and reasonable people .
Bernie Sanders condemned Hodgkinson in no uncertain words, the same as the entire Democratic party in Washington .
For your information, Steve Scalise is a right-wing extremist and a very nasty guy . Just google him and his record , and his behavior and statements . But it was still wrong to try to kill him .
Blaming Soros for this tragedy is nothing but a straw man . Or the so-called "liberal media ", the Democrats etc . The would be assassin's mental illness alone is to blame for this .
And remember - liberal Democrats are far less prone to violence , arson and rioting than right-wing Republicans . Reports of widespread rioting and arson after the election of Trump were wildly exaggerated by the CONSERVATIVE media . The overwhelming majority of the protesters were peaceful and orderly . And the notion that Soros "paid" them is ludicrous . Talk about "fake news " !

patrick jane

Hodgkinson was an Occupier

I wondered how long it would take for our resident "conservatives" to sink this low to attempt to blatantly manipulate this tragedy for their political advantage!
It was obviously a radical left nutjob and it was purely political. The truth is the truth


It was obviously a radical left nutjob and it was purely political. The truth is the truth
"Nut job" was also the term used to describe former FBI Director Comey - what message is being send to Americans concerning respect for law, when his President refers to "the nation's top cop" (FBI Director) as a "nut job," "grandstander," "showboat" and a "coward?"

Now the President and his "attack dogs" are shifting their focus from Comey to Mueller - following the same established routine of undermining the character and reputation of anybody and everybody who has the misfortune of getting in Trump's way!


Well-known member
This is ridiculous . Hodgkinson is in no way typical of liberal Democrats or supporters of Bernie Sanders . This guy is an anomaly among liberals . He was obviously mentally ill .
The overwhelming majority of mass murders by guns in America in our time have been by right-wing extremist loonies . Liberal Democrats are overwhelmingly sane, rational and reasonable people .
Bernie Sanders condemned Hodgkinson in no uncertain words, the same as the entire Democratic party in Washington .
For your information, Steve Scalise is a right-wing extremist and a very nasty guy . Just google him and his record , and his behavior and statements . But it was still wrong to try to kill him .
Blaming Soros for this tragedy is nothing but a straw man . Or the so-called "liberal media ", the Democrats etc . The would be assassin's mental illness alone is to blame for this .
And remember - liberal Democrats are far less prone to violence , arson and rioting than right-wing Republicans . Reports of widespread rioting and arson after the election of Trump were wildly exaggerated by the CONSERVATIVE media . The overwhelming majority of the protesters were peaceful and orderly . And the notion that Soros "paid" them is ludicrous . Talk about "fake news " !

Ha! Love the trolling. You almost sound like you actually believe all that.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...Steve Scalise is a right-wing extremist and a very nasty guy . Just google him ...

ok, so i googled "Steve Scalise" and "right-wing extremist" and "very nasty guy"

and i got
About 140,000 results (0.74 seconds)

then i googled "the horn is a raving lunatic"

and i got
About 182,000 results (0.47 seconds)

you win! :roses:


Well-known member
Reports are Hodgkinson's facebook rants read almost like verbatim transcripts from CNN, MSNBC and Maddow.

Yeah...he was really "fringe."