History of Islam's 1400 yr. Assault on European Civilization - 4 minute Youtube


New member
Graphic Map of Mediterranean Expansion of Islam over 1,400 years:
Also illustrates the Crusades at the end.

Greg Jennings

New member
Graphic Map of Mediterranean Expansion of Islam over 1,400 years:
Also illustrates the Crusades at the end.

I have an issue.

The narrator keeps using the word "attacking" when he is referencing any spread of Islam put of the Arab Peninsula.

Any historian would tell you that's largely incorrect. Islam did not conquer North Africa, and it conquered little of the Middle East. Trade routes spread the religion and it caught on like wildfire. It wasn't imposed on people.

In Europe, after Islam had gotten much much bigger, there was encroachment onto Christian lands in an attempt to take them and convert followers. The Battle of Tours pretty much halted that plan in its tracks, and since then Muslims have largely only been fighting in their own lands, including the defense of much land in Spain