Here's What's Happened So Far

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Here's What's Happened So Far

This is the show from Tuesday September 7th, 2010.

If you're living your life as though kids are not being killed in your community, in your city, in your state then you're sinning. You are sinning. That is the sin of apathy...It is unacceptable to live your life thinking, "It's not my responsibility." It is your responsibility...If you think you can live in an age when children are killed, when they're dismembered by Planned Parenthood and you can be apathetic and live in your comfort zone and look the other way, you are wrong. You are wrong because God doesn't give you that kind of latitude to be apathetic and comfortable when children are being killed.


* Campaign Status Report: Bob Enyart and Amendment 62 co-sponsor Leslie Hanks report on the extraordinary progress of Colorado's 2010 personhood campaign. Everything from Planned Parenthood's anti-62 rally backfiring, to the hundreds of thousands of campaign resources already distributed across the state of Colorado, Bob and Leslie give an encouraging update on the A62 campaign!

* No on 62, aka Planned Parenthood, Cannot Be Trusted: Planned Parenthood’s still-celebrated founder and longtime president Margaret Sanger wrote that the handicapped, including the "blind, deaf, dumb, mute and epileptics," were the "dead weight of human waste" in her book Pivot of Civilization on page 112 available online at Google Books. And Sanger, who is still honored through Planned Parenthood's Proud of our Past claims, and in their giving of the annual Margaret Sanger Award, wrote on page 33 of her book Woman and the New Race, "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Also, learn about Sanger's Negro Project in Maafa 21 (see the trailer for starters).

* KGOV's Annual Telethon at 22 of 200! We NEED YOU to help us stay online for another year! Our goal is 200 people to pledge $20 a month (or current friends of BEL to increase their giving by $20)! Please HELP! Call 800-8Enyart or you can give online! So far: 22 of 200. Thank you guys! And for the rest of you, really, please help!

* ALL's Judie Brown in the Denver Daily News: In the same issue displaying the A62 logo over the story of Planned Parenthood's anti-62 rally, the Denver Daily's editors published a letter from the president of American Life League:

* Join a Weekly Literature Drop! with Bob Enyart or with another pro-life leader, or arrange a weekly lit drop in your own town! See the details!

Today’s Resource: Gregg Jackson's review is in! Regarding Focus 3, Gregg says, "Stigmatize, evangelize, criminalize! The American Right To Life three-prong strategy to end abortion is brilliant! This DVD is a must see!" JUST RELEASED: You can get Focus on the Strategy 3 as well as Focus on the Strategy 1 & 2 DVD combo containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists in which Bob Enyart reveals the presentation he gave at Focus on the Family to Tom Minnery, VP of Public Policy for Dr. James Dobson. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion. Now, Focus 3 presents the three-pronged strategy of how to end abortion! Please watch these vitally important DVDs and consider getting a set for a friend!


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Our tax dollars go to Planned Parenthood. Yuk! Their funds have increased recently in our area while government funds (under the Dems) have been totally cut from our national budget for sex education classes that also teach abstinence.

Americans just keep twiddling their thumbs.
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