Help! The mormon missionaries stumped me.

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Mustard Seed

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Turbo said:
Mustard Seed, TOL is for dialogue.

<taken from link supplied previously>

"...frankly, anti-Mormonism of the evangelical kind has come, with a few exceptions, to bore me intensely. It's not only that it tends to be repetitious and uninteresting--I think I've mentioned here before the film that my friend Bill Hamblin and I have laughed about doing: Bill and Dan's Excellent Adventure in Anti-Mormon Zombie Hell. It's not merely that the same arguments reappear ad nauseam, no matter how often they've been refuted, and that reviewing essentially the same book for the thirty-second time grows tiresome. (You've heard the definition of insanity as when you keep doing the same thing over and over and over again, and expect to get different results.) It's also the deep streak of intellectual dishonesty that runs through much of the countercult industry, the triumphalism that exaggerates and even invents problems on the Mormon side while effectively pretending that no problems remain to be addressed on the so-called "Christian" side. (This couldn't possibly be more clearly illustrated than in recent evangelical and fundamentalist Protestant use of DNA data to cast doubt upon the Book of Mormon. In what can only be described as a display of either stunning ignorance or appalling cynicism, these anti-Mormon crusaders ignore the fact that the assumptions fundamental to current deep-historical DNA studies flatly contradict traditional and widely held conservative Protestant understandings of the book of Genesis.)"


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Hall of Fame
Next time they call, don't answer.
Next time they stop by, don't open the door.
Next time they seek, don't let them find.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Or, you could tell them you do your talkin on TOL.
If you can lure them in here I'm sure someone will be happy to ponce on them.
The real point is if you don't want them bothering you then you shouldn't be asking how to answer their questions, you should instruct them to leave you alone.


fool said:
Next time they call, don't answer.
Next time they stop by, don't open the door.
Next time they seek, don't let them find.

:chuckle: Yes invite them to TOL. Where we can then watch another Mormon get truthsmacked by many on here. :BRAVO:

Mustard Seed

New member
Shalom said:
:chuckle: Yes invite them to TOL. Where we can then watch another Mormon get truthsmacked by many on here. :BRAVO:

40 For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Mustard Seed said:
40 For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things.

Anachronism....God does not speak Elizabethan English to all generations.

(source of extrabiblical quote?)


Active member
Odd, I was under the impression that Christ spoke the contemporary dialect of His day. The apostles as well. And everyone in the OT. What would be the point of using a dialect that is centuries out of date, exactly?


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Lovejoy said:
Odd, I was under the impression that Christ spoke the contemporary dialect of His day. The apostles as well. And everyone in the OT. What would be the point of using a dialect that is centuries out of date, exactly?

Maybe God's a KJV only kinda guy.

Mustard Seed

New member
Lovejoy said:
Odd, I was under the impression that Christ spoke the contemporary dialect of His day. The apostles as well. And everyone in the OT. What would be the point of using a dialect that is centuries out of date, exactly?

The contemporary theological dialect of Joseph's day WAS Elizabethan English.


Well-known member
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Mustard Seed said:
The contemporary theological dialect of Joseph's day WAS Elizabethan English.

I have many books by Finney and others who were Smith's contemporaries. They are NOT written in Elizabethan English. Given the claims for HOW the BOM was translated, it is absurd that it came out with KJV plagiarisms. The great revivals of the day spawned false groups like Mormonism and JWs. Satan's fingerprints are all over this one.

Mustard Seed

New member
godrulz said:
I have many books by Finney and others who were Smith's contemporaries. They are NOT written in Elizabethan English. Given the claims for HOW the BOM was translated, it is absurd that it came out with KJV plagiarisms. The great revivals of the day spawned false groups like Mormonism and JWs. Satan's fingerprints are all over this one.

Read the whole of the link I provided. It addresses the whole plagerizim claim.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Mustard Seed said:
Read the whole of the link I provided. It addresses the whole plagerizim claim.

It addresses it from a Mormon perspective with arguments that are not persuasive. The NT and the LXX is not parallel. The NT writers did this under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Joseph Smith simply took KJV passages and incorporated them. Based on the Urim/Thummim (?) theory of translating the BOM, it would not have come out in KJV English. It was supposedly written in the non-existent Reformed Egyptian (?) language. The whole BOM should by Elizabethan (totally bizarre) or not at all. Every letter was supposedly correct as Smith translated supernaturally. The evidence points to compilation, not supernatural translation of non-existent gold plates in a non-existent language (conveniently taken away vs the wealt of OT/NT MSS). or Modern

Here also is much research about the problems with the BOM. I have seen firsthand the 4000 changes from 1830 to modern. The claim that the BOM is the Word of God and the Bible is inferior is specious. See how plates were translated/occult connection, changes, plagiarisms, etc.

We must engage LDS research, but truth will eventually expose much of it as specious.
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