Help Mark Armitage

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Mark Armitage has the only creationist laboratory in the world dedicated to recovering soft tissue residuals from dinosaur bone. I think this is interesting work:

As Mark mentioned in the video, he has a GoFundMe account up and running. Here's the link:

I think this effort may be worthy of support. The YECs on this forum, in particular, ought to put their money where their mouths are and fund this research.
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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Jack Horner could have carbon dated the dino tissue a long time ago. He intentionally doesn't do it. He would rather try (and succeed) in convincing Spielberg to put feather plumes on dinosaurs as a way to spit in God's face.

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Jack Horner could have carbon dated the dino tissue a long time ago. He intentionally doesn't do it. He would rather try (and succeed) in convincing Spielberg to put feather plumes on dinosaurs as a way to spit in God's face.

Yeah, we can't expect mainstream scientists to do creation science. That just won't happen. If creationists want to find scientific data that backs up YEC, they are going to have to do it themselves. But Mark Armitage is just one guy. This is where you come in. Will you help Mark Armitage? All that expensive lab equipment doesn't pay for itself, you know.

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Armitage just won his wrongful termination case against California State University:
