hello everyone

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New member
Hi, imp here.
I am an atheist because I have never heard of any evidence for God...when advised it is a matter of faith, well, in my 20's I did a lot of soul searching, honestly and fervently opened my heart to God and....hmmm, nothing.
I would assume theists would say I didn't open my heart fully, which is why I did not receive God...but I know I did 100% try for many years to be open minded and open hearted and, for me, He was not there. I came to the conclusion that the people He is there for, convince themselves of His presence because they want Him so badly to be there.
Hope this doesn't offend anyone, just wanted to express where I am coming from.
ps I think God belief is fine for those it benefits, I abhore organised religion and it's effects in the world.
so G'day from Australia! :D


New member
oh to cattyfan, I saw your message on my page but can't see a way to respond. :dizzy: Have to get used to the settings here.


New member
Most of the Christians here don't seem to be too fond of organized religion either. Anarchy ensures there's nothing to stop one from appointing oneself high prophet or ultimate apostle or whatever else one likes, second in line only to God himself, answering to no man. Some time here should help you better frame your opposition to belief in general, and its effects in the world.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Hi, imp here.
I am an atheist because I have never heard of any evidence for God...when advised it is a matter of faith, well, in my 20's I did a lot of soul searching, honestly and fervently opened my heart to God and....hmmm, nothing.
I would assume theists would say I didn't open my heart fully, which is why I did not receive God...but I know I did 100% try for many years to be open minded and open hearted and, for me, He was not there. I came to the conclusion that the people He is there for, convince themselves of His presence because they want Him so badly to be there.
Hope this doesn't offend anyone, just wanted to express where I am coming from.
ps I think God belief is fine for those it benefits, I abhore organised religion and it's effects in the world.
so G'day from Australia! :D
Hi, Imp. Why are you Australian? :chuckle:

Did you open your heart to Jesus and accept that His sacrifice is the only means of salvation?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
I am an atheist because I have never heard of any evidence for God...
Do you want to?

If so, there's plenty right here.

Careful though: If you read even the first round of that debate, you won't be able to make that claim anymore.

Welcome to TOL. :e4e:


New member
Down Under

Down Under

I think you find more atheists from your part of the world just because the have a hard time getting their minds and hearts into the "right" position.

Gid day? tWINs


New member
Thankyou all for the nice welcomes.
Thunder's Muse...hey fellow Aussie!
Stripe...I did indeed open my heart to Jesus and was told by my Christian friend at the time He was the way to salvation, so yes I did have that in mind. Why could my friend "feel" Jesus and not I? As I said in my OP, I think my friend wanted/needed it to be true so much that he gained the benefit of serenity.
My search for Jesus at the time was open and honest...I cannot stress that enough, it simply did not end up in results for me.
Turbo...seems it may take some time to read through that debate, I'll get back to you. :)
bucksplasher...I think it is true to say that Australia is less concerned with religious matters than the U.S...maybe the "belief by association" is not as strong here.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
If you opened yourself up to Jesus why do you not believe what He said?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Hi, imp here.
I am an atheist because I have never heard of any evidence for God...when advised it is a matter of faith, well, in my 20's I did a lot of soul searching, honestly and fervently opened my heart to God and....hmmm, nothing.
Interesting. I was a relatively content Atheist reading through religious texts of varying sorts to determine how the truth of the human condition translated into a religious impulse, when without asking or honestly believing that I needed a change God shook and called me to Him. Now if He would do that to someone who didn't realize that he needed it, why do you think He would turn his back on someone earnestly seeking after Him?
I would assume theists would say I didn't open my heart fully, which is why I did not receive God...but I know I did 100% try for many years to be open minded and open hearted and, for me, He was not there. I came to the conclusion that the people He is there for, convince themselves of His presence because they want Him so badly to be there.
Opening yourself to the possibility of God is not the same as giving yourself to Him. When I married, I didn't open myself to the possibility of commitment, I committed. And as with any commitment, there were obligations that attended it. In the case of Christian conversion, that would mean a study and walk in the Word, an alteration of the old life you led...

Not everyone who comes to God experiences Him in a grand and overwhelming manner and for some belief is a life long struggle. But at the heart of any journey of faith is a surrender of reservation, a yielding trust in the foundation of life's meaning that cannot be supplanted by anything short of open invitation. What I mean by that is simply this: no man accidentally fails his marriage and no man falls out of a relationship with God. You enter and you exit volitionally.

So then the question becomes, why leave that which gives hope, purpose and meaning to existence? What is it that you thought you were sacrificing? And what did you gain in leaving that you didn't possess to begin with?

Hope this doesn't offend anyone, just wanted to express where I am coming from.
Offended? Why on earth would anyone of faith be offended by your struggle?
ps I think God belief is fine for those it benefits, I abhore organised religion and it's effects in the world.
I think there may be a bit of your difficulty peeking through here. Why do you abhor organized religion? Your answer may be of real help in getting to the stumbling block that kept you from experiencing the fullness of a relationship with the God you thought to pursue.
so G'day from Australia! :D

Welcome. :e4e:


Well-known member
Hello and welcome,
Just curious ... when you said I fervently opened my heart to God... did you mean to Jesus?
Also, what was it that you expected to happen, which did not, when you tried to open your heart to God?
What did you mean that He was not THERE?


New member
Interesting. I was a relatively content Atheist reading through religious texts of varying sorts to determine how the truth of the human condition translated into a religious impulse, when without asking or honestly believing that I needed a change God shook and called me to Him. Now if He would do that to someone who didn't realize that he needed it, why do you think He would turn his back on someone earnestly seeking after Him?

Well I think maybe you misrepresented some experience that happened to you by giving God the credit for it. This confuses me also...why does He ignore some who honestly ask for him and not others? Why do some get picked out as special and not others, it makes no sense to me.
How did He shake and call you to Him, if you don't mind me asking.

Not everyone who comes to God experiences Him in a grand and overwhelming manner and for some belief is a life long struggle. But at the heart of any journey of faith is a surrender of reservation, a yielding trust in the foundation of life's meaning that cannot be supplanted by anything short of open invitation. What I mean by that is simply this: no man accidentally fails his marriage and no man falls out of a relationship with God. You enter and you exit volitionally.
I think I get what you mean here...it takes work and and courage of faith to ultimately find God? The problem I have with this is that, yes I did feel a serenity when going to church and being with likeminded people, yes I felt more content when convincing myself that I was not alone and yes this was an ongoing process with being being mindful....the reservation I had was that Iwas creating my own serenity, I, not God was making myself into a better person. This bothered me because I did not want to be fooling myself. I wanted to live with my total honesty...no God answered me, no God was with me.

[QUOTEI think there may be a bit of your difficulty peeking through here. Why do you abhor organized religion? Your answer may be of real help in getting to the stumbling block that kept you from experiencing the fullness of a relationship with the God you thought to pursue.

There are many reasons to hate organised religion, but the main one would be that it is devisive to people of other religions, and that many of the rules it enforces are harmful.
I don't see this as the problem...I have always had a clear distinction between God and Religion. They are totally opposite things. Religion teaches hatred of others, God, if real, would be pure love and understanding.
Welcome. :e4e:

Thankyou for your welcome and very fine questions.:wave:
still getting used to the quote thingy...sorry bout that. lol


New member
Hello and welcome,
Just curious ... when you said I fervently opened my heart to God... did you mean to Jesus?
Also, what was it that you expected to happen, which did not, when you tried to open your heart to God?
What did you mean that He was not THERE?

Thanx for your response. Yes at that point I was looking into Christanity. I opened my heart to Jesus, over an extended period and did this honestly, I worked very hard at making my skepticism go away. I believe I did end up with a very open heart and mind.
I did not expect anything huge or fireworks type of thing. I think I expected to feel something, even if that something was simply a strengthening of my faith.
By saying He was not there, I mean nothing in me strengthened to the point where I could continue that spiritual journey. Surely if He were there, He would have wanted me to continue and helped me strengthen myself. He did not. I have heard many others say He does things like this for them all the time.
Either he did not want me, or He wasnt' there...was my conclusion.
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