Hello Everyone ... Artist and Greyhound Lover Here!

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New member
As you might have guessed from my username, I'm a big fan of retired racing greyhounds. I have one (almost nine years old!), as well as several smaller rescued dogs. I also like cats, although I don't have any at this point.

I'm an artist, a traveler, and am probably best described, spiritually, as an open-minded sceptic. I enjoy medieval re-creation, crafts, and have just been introduced to drumming on djembe (an African hand drum).

I hope to learn, to share, and hopefully make a few new friends here. :)


New member
Te he, my other four are all Italian greyhounds!!! I didn't know if anyone would know what they are!!! I have two blue boys, a fawn girl, and a seal girl. Mine are angels. Except when they aren't!!! LOL

I particularly love that they snuggle under the covers at night. So sweet and snuggly. Right now they're all snuggled under a blanket sitting next to me. Something about their sweet little faces just makes my heart melt!!! :)


We have a gassy little dachshund and two cats...all snugglers.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:think:....I think I may need an insulin shot...but welcome. :wave2:

I have fourteen rescued animals (four dogs...kind of, and ten cats) so I'm naturally inclined to suspend my otherwise sociopathic tendencies for an animal lover.

Aw, I was just kidding about that...I can't really suspend them. :squint:


New member

i too like dogs as well as all the other millions of ani.mate species on the face of the living Earth.

i also have great love for the inanimate part of creation such as Sun, Planets, sky, wind, water, soil basicly, anything made of atoms manifest in the material Uni.verse fill my heart with joy and wonder.


New member
Welcome to TOL. I'm glad that you like dogs - somebody has to do it & it ain't gonna be me ;) No. Really I like dogs as long as they are not mine.

Also I am very certain about God since I converse with Him daily & He guides me continually and illuminates the beauty of the Creation.

All the other "likes" we actually have in common :D Imagine that!


Well-known member
People, who like dogs, like to received unconditional love.
People, who like cats, enjoy giving unconditional love.
People who like dogs and cats are unfocused and fickle.

Welcome Greyhound,

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by Ps82
People who like dogs and cats are unfocused and fickle.

Originally Posted by Town Heretic
I have fourteen rescued animals (four dogs...kind of, and ten cats) so I'm naturally inclined to suspend my otherwise sociopathic tendencies for an animal lover.

Aw, I was just kidding about that...I can't really suspend them.

:think:...sounds about right.

Not true...mostly...I don't know.

As for the aside, it's a matter of space. A little old lady with a couple of cats is normal. A little old lady with a couple of cats who also happens to live in her VW Bug isn't. It's all about the space you have, internally and externally.

Now if you’ll excuse me.


New member
...People who like dogs and cats are unfocused and fickle...

:thumb: Haha, got it in one!!! I have a friend who once said of me that the only constant was change. After a few decades, I've realized how very true it is. There are a few constants though ... my love of learning new things, of dogs AND cats (and all animals really), and making things with my hands. My dislike of violence, conflict and intolerance. And although I change the art media that I work in periodically, over the years I cycle back to them all. I guess I just like variety. :banana:

Thanks for the welcome, everyone! :wave:
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