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Karl der Grosse

New member
Name's Dave, married for three years, my wife and I are expecting our first children in February (twin girls), I'm of Irish/Turkish ancestry, I'm a Christian, I identify with Assembly of God Pentecostal, I believe in the Trinity but welcome Oneness as well. Any further questions, feel free to ask.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
welcome to TOL

may you enjoy the dialogue

may you have a dialogue

don't give up

it is possible

Nathon Detroit

Name's Dave, married for three years, my wife and I are expecting our first children in February (twin girls), I'm of Irish/Turkish ancestry, I'm a Christian, I identify with Assembly of God Pentecostal, I believe in the Trinity but welcome Oneness as well. Any further questions, feel free to ask.
Welcome to TheologyOnline.com, we are thrilled to have you as a member, may I ask what brought you here?


Well-known member
Welcome Karl...
Someone new to hear my ideas for the first time... wonderful!

Congratulations on your twins ... Did you see the ultra sound images? Hope mommy and girls are doing well.

Some advice from a woman. If you want some good public relations that will last in the heart of your wife for a long time ... be very sweet before, during, and after the birthing experience. Guard your words and don't add any stress to the situation... even if you are feeling it.

Karl der Grosse

New member
Welcome to TheologyOnline.com, we are thrilled to have you as a member, may I ask what brought you here?

I had thought about joining before, but places like this usually involve nothing but name calling and lame "My God can beat up your God" fights. But, after reading around....yeah, those things are here, but no where near as bad as other places. Also I'm home taking care of the wife, as well as out of work, so i can get kind of bored!

Seriously, sometimes it's nice to just talk to other people outside of Church about God and beliefs.

Karl der Grosse

New member
Welcome Karl...
Someone new to hear my ideas for the first time... wonderful!

Congratulations on your twins ... Did you see the ultra sound images? Hope mommy and girls are doing well.

Some advice from a woman. If you want some good public relations that will last in the heart of your wife for a long time ... be very sweet before, during, and after the birthing experience. Guard your words and don't add any stress to the situation... even if you are feeling it.

Hello. Thank you, yes, I got to see many of the images. My wife is high-risk and on level-2 bed rest, so we actually get to see an ultrasound every week (I found out that isn't normal. I thought everyone got that).

Oh yes, actually, I yell at my wife. I just did. She is on bed rest (her cervix is a 2.5 and she is only 20 weeks). She sometimes decides to be sneaky and go to the kitchen, or drive to the store, and I get mad at her. I know that bed rest is no fun, but it's for her health and the girl's. I know that makes me sound bad, but I tell her, I fix dinner, I take care of the pets, I do the housework, you just relax! If the doctors put her back on level-1, she is more than free to do some stuff, but until, park it.

And yes, I have become the absolute ninja master of self-control. My wife doesn't get angry, she gets upset. I snapped back once (or twice....), water works. I felt about yea big.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
My wife doesn't get angry, she gets upset. I snapped back once (or twice....), water works. I felt about yea big.

Quite an effective tactic they have; isn't it? :think:

I haven't won an argument in
....well........ never. :plain:

Karl der Grosse

New member
Quite an effective tactic they have; isn't it? :think:

I haven't won an argument in
....well........ never. :plain:

Effective isn't the word. Mind-controlling is closer lol!

I, too, have only heard of husbands that win fights. I have reason to believe that these men are lying.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Greetings, Karl. What might be your ideal job?

Many congratulations on the babies! :thumb:

Karl der Grosse

New member
Greetings, Karl. What might be your ideal job?

Many congratulations on the babies! :thumb:

Honestly, right now an ideal job would be anything that offers health insurance. We are on state insurance right now, and I hate being on state insurance. But, it's either that or my wife and kids be at risk. So, time to swallow ye olde pryde.

Thank you sir!


Pain Killer
Super Moderator
Hi Karl (Dave)! So glad you decided to join the TOL "family." Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your twins. I'm sorry to hear you're out of work. I'll be praying for you and your family!


New member


welcome to TOL. We set a new member 24 hour record the other day.

If we get more people to join the chances of breaking it once again go up.

Make sure you are here everday to do your part.

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