Hearings Interruptus, Texting, and Peter Boyles

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Hearings Interruptus, Texting, and Peter Boyles

This is the show from Monday July 13th, 2009.


* Fellow Activists Interrupt Sotomayor Hearings: Four times Sotomayor's confirmation hearing was interrupted by our fellow activists. The Washington Times reports the first protester calling out, "What about the rights of the unborn?" And the second shouting, "Abortion is murder, abortion is murder, abortion is murder." The third said, "You're wrong Sotomayor, you're wrong about abortion," and Bob is waiting to see Flip Benham in Las Vegas later this week to find out what the fourth protester said! Also, Roe herself, Norma McCorvey who is the real Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, was arrested in protest today. BEL friend and fellow activist Flip Benham baptized Norma McCorvey and she now fights to reverse her own Supreme Court "victory." The abortion fight has seen the most extraordinary efforts to end de-criminalized child killing, including Norma's conversion to Christianity and fight to protect unborn children!

* Texting Teenage Girl Falls in Manhole: Now, is it possible to learn important lessons from this news story about the Bible, liberals, zoning, justice, and pro-life tactics? You might be surprised…

* KHOW Radio's Peter Boyles' Anti-War Comments: Denver radio's Peter Boyles argued that America's war on terror had no objectives, and that it was unclear even who we were fighting, and that somehow, the fact that this has lasted longer than World War II is evidence against our war on terror. Bob contrasts the kind of current events analysis you get listening this non-Christian 'secular' Salem Radio talk host as compared to the clear-thinking, Bible-based assessments available on BEL which airs in Colorado over the nation's most powerful Christian radio station, the 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT!

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? Check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources! And don't miss*Bruce Shortt’s vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools!
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