Headlines Bob & Doug Style

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Headlines Bob & Doug Style

This is the show from Monday September 14th, 2009.


* $17,459 of $40,000 Telethon Goal: Please help and pray and please call 1-800-8Enyart!

* Headlines with Bob Enyart & Doug McBurney
- Protectionism & Tariffs: Do you support or oppose Obama's protectionism and trade tariff imposed on importers of automobile tires? Is your position biblical? Well thought out? Emotional? Based in ignorance and envy?
- Serena Williams, Andy Roddick, and Greg Louganis: What do Roddick and Louganis have in common? And regarding Serena, her public school is showing.
- Boss Must Pay for Weight-Loss Surgery: What does this pizza shop and Bob's TV affiliate have in common with the state workers' compensation board?
- Obama's School Safety Czarina: homosexual activist Kevin Jennings promotes homosexuality through public schools. Focus on the Family warns parents to pull their kids out of public schools! Oh, wait… Correction: It turns out that last night, Bob dreamed that Focus warned parents to pull their kids out of the godless, homosexual, pro-abortion, pro-evolution, anti-Christ public schools; it turns out that was just a dream, and at 5:00 a.m. Bob suddenly awoke to the nightmare that Christian leaders care more about donations from public-schooled families than they do about the kids whose lives are ruined by the officially godless curriculum.

* Please Help With Our KGOV Telethon! Thank you! We've reached $11,385 of our $40,000 goal! The greatest way to help keep BEL broadcasting online and reaching more people is to sign up to automatically give monthly, or sign up for a monthly BEL DVD subscription service, a monthly Bible Study album or Bob's Sermons subscription. If you subscribe or give monthly, we multiply the amount you give times ten toward the telethon goal! (So a $24.99 subscription or automatic monthly donation brings $250 toward our $40,000 telethon goal!) Also of course, you can call 1-800-8Enyart for any subscription or to make a one-time donation or to purchase of a BEL Resource (or just click those links)! And remember, BEL materials come with our money back guarantee!

* More Headlines with Bob & Doug
- Nancy Pelosi's White Out on Eligibility Clause: when she certified Barack Obama as the democrat nominee for president. And while an alleged Obama Kenyan birth certificate showing his footprint has surfaced, a federal judge in California has ordered discovery to begin in a lawsuit brought by attorney Gary Kreep to force Obama to produce his birth certificate. (Post-show note: a couple decades ago Gary Kreep successfully defended pro-lifer Jo Scott against child killers who filed a $7 million lawsuit against her.)

* Bob Enyart Flying to Michigan for Personhood Seminar: Come on out on Saturday, September 19 at 10 a.m. to meet Bob Enyart for a morning seminar hosted by TV personality John Mangopoulos. Bob will present the blockbuster Focus on the Strategy at the Holiday Inn between Detroit and Grand Rapids at Exit 110 on I-96 near Lansing. All pro-lifers are invited and Michigan Citizens for Life members are cordially invited! Please RSVP to 517-332-1609.

* Colorado RTL Sept. 26th Banquet! Please mark your calendar right now for Saturday, September 26, at 6:30 p.m. and make your reservation by calling Donna at 303-753-9394 (or to just get on their vital mailing list)! Do you know who Lila Rose is? You'll HAVE TO come out to see her! You'll have a tremendous time, and you'll be a great blessing!

* Help Colorado RTL Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

Today’s Resource: Enjoy reading Bob’s life’s work, the best-selling book, The Plot! Apparent contradictions plague many Bible students. The Plot demonstrates how hundreds of such contradictions disappear when the reader applies the big picture of the Bible to its details. Tunnel vision focuses so narrowly on a problem that the solution often lies just out of view. As the pastor of Denver Bible Church, Bob Enyart teaches Christians how to use the whole counsel of God to understand the plot of the Bible and solve biblical mysteries.
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