Hawaii Recruits Teens for (second trimester) Abortion Study


New member
Wickedness, premeditated murder of 166 babies.... by July!

Researchers in Hawaii are looking for girls to participate in second trimester abortions as part of research on whether oxytocin can reduce bleeding in mothers during and after abortion.

The girls can be as young as 14 for the study, which takes place in the second trimester of abortions, where the unborn baby is 18 to 24 weeks gestation.

Second trimester abortions are dangerous for women in many cases. The abortion procedure is two-days and involves stopping the baby’s heart and then delivering or dismembering the baby.

Women have a 50 percent or higher chance for physical complications when undergoing a second trimester abortion. Comparatively, the chance for physical complications is about 6 percent for first trimester abortions, according to Life News.



New member
The state of Hawaii does not fall under any specific laws, like a waiting period or parental consent, for abortion restrictions. Abortions are legal at any time and for whatever reason.

The U.S. House of Representatives had scheduled a vote during the March for Life in January of this year to ban abortions after 20 weeks but supposed pro-life Congresswomen Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.) and Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) torpedoed the bill and nothing has been said about the bill since. If abortions are banned on a federal level, this sickening study would not be taking place.

The study is currently under way at the Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu, led by Bliss Kaneshiro and Kate Whitehouse. The center does not mention they do abortions on their website nor does it mention they are housing this study and aborting possibly viable babies.
