Has the the Staff of Moses been found?


New member
Nope it was found in a Tomb on its own (No body!)

Deuteronomy 34:5-6
So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD. And He [the LORD] buried him in the valley in the land of Moab, opposite Beth-peor; but no man knows his burial place to this day.
Beth-peor is north-east of the Dead Sea
Petra is south-east of the Dead Sea
(midway between Dead Sea and Gulf of Aqaba)

Looks like your boys didn't know how to read a map... or read Scripture.


Well-known member
Deuteronomy 34:5-6
So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD. And He [the LORD] buried him in the valley in the land of Moab, opposite Beth-peor; but no man knows his burial place to this day.
Beth-peor is north-east of the Dead Sea
Petra is south-east of the Dead Sea
(midway between Dead Sea and Gulf of Aqaba)

Looks like your boys didn't know how to read a map... or read Scripture.

No. there was no body in this tomb just his staff.

It's amazing how you watched that film carefully and researched the subject for hours and yet missed this one tiny detail. Usually you are 100% right about everything but this is the first time you've ever made a mistake. Oh well. :)


New member
No. there was no body in this tomb just his staff.

It's amazing how you watched that film carefully and researched the subject for hours and yet missed this one tiny detail. Usually you are 100% right about everything but this is the first time you've ever made a mistake.
So, I spend a few minutes checking the validity of the video you posted as opposed to the hundreds of hours it took too to produce this meaningless video, only to validate my suspicion that it is total rubbish.
You, of course, haven't a clue. That's why you are usually 100% wrong.

Whoope!! They found a stick belonging to Tutmoses the Egyptian butler. :rotfl:


Well-known member
So, I spend a few minutes checking the validity of the video you posted as opposed to the hundreds of hours it took too to produce this meaningless video, only to validate my suspicion that it is total rubbish.
You, of course, haven't a clue. That's why you are usually 100% wrong.

Whoope!! They found a stick belonging to Tutmoses the Egyptian butler. :rotfl:

So although you didn't even watch it you think you can discredit the information in the documentary. Can you see how wrong that is? Obviously not. Do you know what Tuthmoses means? Tuth was an Egyptian god and moses in Egyptian means 'son of'. This was a royal family name. When Tuthmoses left Egypt, as described in Egyptian history, because he was expelled for worshipping a foreign god, he dropped the 'Tuth' and was just called Moses. This also fits the Biblical story of Moses in the Bible. This was just one of a dozen facts that link this staff to Moses but you don't need these facts to get in the way of your logic, all you need is to ignore any facts and just stick with whatever you make up in your imagination.


Well-known member
So the artefacts found on the sea bed in the Gulf of Aqaba that have found to be horse hooves, chariot wheels and parts dating to the dynasty when Moses was alive including a gold wheel rim mean nothing to you. What do you think they are doing there? Mmmm..


New member
So although you didn't even watch it you think you can discredit the information in the documentary. Can you see how wrong that is? Obviously not. Do you know what Tuthmoses means? Tuth was an Egyptian god and moses in Egyptian means 'son of'. This was a royal family name. When Tuthmoses left Egypt, as described in Egyptian history, because he was expelled for worshipping a foreign god, he dropped the 'Tuth' and was just called Moses. This also fits the Biblical story of Moses in the Bible. This was just one of a dozen facts that link this staff to Moses but you don't need these facts to get in the way of your logic, all you need is to ignore any facts and just stick with whatever you make up in your imagination.
hahahahahahahaha Tuthmoses was the name given to a series of Pharaohs (I,II,III,IV)...
Though sounds similar, has no connection to the name Moses in meaning.
And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses: and she said, Because I drew him out of the water. - Exodus 2:10
Moses means "drawn out of the water" (Nile).

The video is for the gullible, naïve, and uneducated.


New member
So the artefacts found on the sea bed in the Gulf of Aqaba that have found to be horse hooves, chariot wheels and parts dating to the dynasty when Moses was alive including a gold wheel rim mean nothing to you. What do you think they are doing there? Mmmm..
They are corals. Did you notice how they had to add the graphics of a wheel or axle? A usual trick of the hoaxer, to prime you. And they really trumpeted one, that complete axle with two wheels. You did notice the word 'reconstruction' on the video, I hope.

And Moses was not a real historical person.



Well-known member
hahahahahahahaha Tuthmoses was the name given to a series of Pharaohs (I,II,III,IV)...
Though sounds similar, has no connection to the name Moses in meaning.
And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses: and she said, Because I drew him out of the water. - Exodus 2:10
Moses means "drawn out of the water" (Nile).

The video is for the gullible, naïve, and uneducated.

"From the Hebrew name מֹשֶׁה (Mosheh) which is most likely derived from Egyptian mes meaning "son", but could also possibly mean "deliver" in Hebrew. The meaning suggested in the Old Testament of "drew out" from Hebrew משה (mashah) is probably an invented etymology (see Exodus 2:10)."
The fact that you did not know this or that Thut was an Egyptian god shows your lack of knowledge in this area:


Also it was actually Tuthmoses III who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus if you want to get more specific. Again something you do not know.

Thutmose III, b.1481BC d.1425BC was made co-regent at the age of two with his aunt and stepmother Hatsheput, and became Pharaoh at the age of twenty-two in 1459 BC. However, a year later in 1458 BC, this ‘hard’ Pharaoh who had been persecuting the Israelites had the ten plagues come upon him and his kingdom.

Similarly, eighty years before when Moses was born (and five Pharaohs before Thutmose III), a newly ascended Pharaoh called Ahmose I became ruler in 1539 BC. During his reign he completed the conquest of the Nile delta region and from his base in Thebes (Luxor) on the river Nile successfully reasserted Egyptian power over the whole of Egypt, Canaan, and its former territory of Nubia along the river Nile. The year Moses was born in 1538 BC Ahmose I ordered all the Hebrew baby boys to be killed, as Ahmose I was fearful the Israelites were becoming too numerous and so Moses was hidden amongst the bull rushes in his basket. When Pharaoh’s daughter found him she brought him up, she was one of either three of Ahmose I daughters, either Princess Ahmose-Meritamom, Princess Ahmose-Sitamun, or Princess Mutnofret, who later became Queen to Thutmose I.

Because both of these Pharaohs ascended to power a year or so before Moses was born, and a year or so before the Exodus happened, it seems to me the Egyptian history for this period is correct, as the Bible records that these two pharaohs began to oppress God’s chosen people and then God acted to help them.

You need to do more research.


Well-known member
They are corals. Did you notice how they had to add the graphics of a wheel or axle? A usual trick of the hoaxer, to prime you. And they really trumpeted one, that complete axle with two wheels. You did notice the word 'reconstruction' on the video, I hope.

And Moses was not a real historical person.


So you are not a Bible believer, well then of course it won't seem real to you. What is your current belief? Agnostic? Atheist?

But it clear that the coral has grown on artefacts and the shapes of the artefacts match chariot parts and more over it is even possible to discern the actual dynasty period from which they came. This has been corroborated by many Experts in Egyptian history. I'm guessing your not an Egyptian history expert either.


New member
So you are not a Bible believer, well then of course it won't seem real to you. What is your current belief? Agnostic? Atheist?

But it clear that the coral has grown on artefacts and the shapes of the artefacts match chariot parts and more over it is even possible to discern the actual dynasty period from which they came. This has been corroborated by many Experts in Egyptian history. I'm guessing your not an Egyptian history expert either.
This video is clearly a fraud. The previous efforts at perpetuating this fraud were by Ron Wyatt, a well-recognised fraudster. Can you imagine the stink the Israeli government would have made if it was true? They would have been demanding that the Egyptians allow them to dredge up those remains, which would be a central feature of their claim to the title deeds of the Zionist real estate on the shores of the Mediterranean. But they know it's nonsense for the gullible like most other people who have heard of it.

The Israelis know that the so-called exodus never actually happened. That's because their archaeologists at Tel Aviv university have told them there isn't a shred of evidence for it, even though they have looked exhaustively.



Well-known member
The Israelis know that the so-called exodus never actually happened. That's because their archaeologists at Tel Aviv university have told them there isn't a shred of evidence for it, even though they have looked exhaustively.


Most Israelis know there was an Exodus, despite the lack of archaeological evidence. It can't have been on the scale that the Bible describes.


New member
Most Israelis know there was an Exodus, despite the lack of archaeological evidence. It can't have been on the scale that the Bible describes.
If the bible is wrong about the scale, how can it be relied on for the event at all? It is the only source of that story.



Well-known member
This video is clearly a fraud. The previous efforts at perpetuating this fraud were by Ron Wyatt, a well-recognised fraudster. Can you imagine the stink the Israeli government would have made if it was true? They would have been demanding that the Egyptians allow them to dredge up those remains, which would be a central feature of their claim to the title deeds of the Zionist real estate on the shores of the Mediterranean. But they know it's nonsense for the gullible like most other people who have heard of it.

The Israelis know that the so-called exodus never actually happened. That's because their archaeologists at Tel Aviv university have told them there isn't a shred of evidence for it, even though they have looked exhaustively.


Wow! You can't even answer a simple question. I'd say you are an Atheist. You sound angry too. I already said that none of this (like the rest of the bible) will make sense to you. This is normal. What you don't realise is that you are Spiritually blinded. May be this will be lifted in the future but at the moment I can see there is no chance of that any time soon. So perhaps you can confirm if you are a believer in the religion of Atheism?


Well-known member
Most Israelis know there was an Exodus, despite the lack of archaeological evidence. It can't have been on the scale that the Bible describes.

It's clear that the coral has grown on artefacts and the shapes of the artefacts match chariot parts and more over it is even possible to discern the actual dynasty period from which they came. This has been corroborated by many Experts in Egyptian history.