Happy Birthday, godrulz


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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Even though spiritual birth is analagos to, but not identical with, physical birth...happy birthday.

Physical, temporal issues are analagous, not identical, to spiritual issues. There is a cooperative element in reconciled, reciprocal love relationships (or universalism and OSAS would be true).

If he stops by, I will give him a free rep. :e4e:

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Physical, temporal issues are analagous, not identical, to spiritual issues. There is a cooperative element in reconciled, reciprocal love relationships (or universalism and OSAS would be true).

If he stops by, I will give him a free rep. :e4e:

Birthdays are not divorced from loving obedience, or Shank.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Greetings, earthlings.

Thanks for your kind thoughts:think:

Have fun voting for a new president.

You have no exegetical basis for your nonsense, but simply beg the question. Celebrating your birthday has issues with wrong paradigms. Proof texts out of context are used to support the preconceived idea (eisegesis) rather than exegesis and all relevant verses and right paradigms/principles leading to right conclusions (wrong assumptions lead to wrong conclusions).You need to make an exegetical vs anecdotal case.Your position is rationalism, naturalism, unbelief, not biblical. Sheer eisegesis on your part. You are ignorant of exegesis of Genesis-Revelation. This is not exegesis, just rambling of an unbiblical view. Put the verses in context (go verse by verse) for a proper understanding. I have done it here before, but it would probably be a waste of time with you. Your fundie ignorance/arrogance is ridiculous.You throw the baby out with the bathwater because of your myopic, negative, immature experience (you were the problem, not Birthdayism, or else it was your fringe vs biblical Birthdayism that was the problem). Exegesis of Scripture (which you are not doing) still trumps your subjective, imperfect, anecdotal experience.... so don't pat yourself on the back... Cults like JWs also wrongly quote your birthday proof text to justify their minority wrong views. It is a logical fallacy to think majority is always right, but it is also not always wrong.Look at all relevant verses without a wrong paradigm.Try a good commentary that will interpret these verses consistent with all relevant verses vs twisting out of context with a poor interpretation.

What was the subject again?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
You have no exegetical basis for your nonsense, but simply beg the question. Celebrating your birthday has issues with wrong paradigms. Proof texts out of context are used to support the preconceived idea (eisegesis) rather than exegesis and all relevant verses and right paradigms/principles leading to right conclusions (wrong assumptions lead to wrong conclusions).You need to make an exegetical vs anecdotal case.Your position is rationalism, naturalism, unbelief, not biblical. Sheer eisegesis on your part. You are ignorant of exegesis of Genesis-Revelation. This is not exegesis, just rambling of an unbiblical view. Put the verses in context (go verse by verse) for a proper understanding. I have done it here before, but it would probably be a waste of time with you. Your fundie ignorance/arrogance is ridiculous.You throw the baby out with the bathwater because of your myopic, negative, immature experience (you were the problem, not Birthdayism, or else it was your fringe vs biblical Birthdayism that was the problem). Exegesis of Scripture (which you are not doing) still trumps your subjective, imperfect, anecdotal experience.... so don't pat yourself on the back... Cults like JWs also wrongly quote your birthday proof text to justify their minority wrong views. It is a logical fallacy to think majority is always right, but it is also not always wrong.Look at all relevant verses without a wrong paradigm.Try a good commentary that will interpret these verses consistent with all relevant verses vs twisting out of context with a poor interpretation.

What was the subject again?

Why do you insist on being such a simple simpleton? Equally capable godly scholars through the years have agreed that wishing one a happy birthday is of great importance and signifies that your fellow man is valued.