What day is your birthday, Lon?
June 27th, but my son's and daughter's due date was December 25th.
One was born on January 4th and the other was born on the 21st. My brother was born December 31st. I always thought my 'little' brother was my Christmas present

I shared my birthday with him so he'd not have Christmas mess up his birthday take that year, which kinda sucked because I got half the presents then! As a kid, there is a gap between 'wanting' to be selfless and actually 'being' selfless!
So my imagining isn't a reality, other than understanding why a December birthday kind of loses limelight and passes without the notice like other's Birthdays.
I'm always flipping the negatives for the positives. My mother-in-law died on my wife's birthday. She thought her birthday would always hurt after that, but my son (like father) said "Now you share the same birthday!" It was exactly what she needed to hear, to make this day bittersweet rather than bitter.