Habitual sin takes away one's desire for Heaven (God)


New member
Jesus said you cannot serve God and mammon

always wondered EXACTLY what the word Mammon means but i belive it means... that which pertains to man, the physical world we live in... which as Christans know, is sold out to the devil...

Anyway, one reason OnceSavedAlwaysSaved is SOOOOO wrong and illogical is that sin, especially mortal sin like adultery, abortion, homosexual acts... causes one to not even WANT God anymore... I am speaking not of a one-time fall into sin, which leads to deep regret and repentance... but habitual sin... habitually engaging in homosexual acts, habitually fornicating because you "love" the person (PLEASE!)... etc...

What do humans know about love?

(rhetorical question, to be sure... since we all know they know very little... unless they REALLY know Jesus Christ... Sadly, most don't.. )
