Group Baffled by GOP cave-in on eve of motion to rehear SCOTUS same sex marriage


New member
It is true: If gay activists quit as easily as right-wing ones, they'd still be in the closet. I guess progressives will get a big laugh over this one :mock::rotfl:

MassResistance is rightly angered:

And just look how bored these GOPs look at the eleventh hour! :jawdrop:


We have rarely seen anything as disgraceful as this.

There are just five days to go before the July 21 deadline to file for a re-hearing before the US Supreme Court on its recent 5-4 “same-sex marriage” ruling. But chances are bleak that this crucial filing will be done. The cave-in by the GOP has spread to major pro-family organizations.

[. . . ]

If this opportunity is lost, it will be a terrible indictment to this movement. If only the homosexual movement would give up this easily.


New member
All we can do now is pray, and not be afraid to speak the truth.
I know, but this motion for a rehearing was a logical step to take. Why did everyone cave? You can bet gay activists would never let such an opportunity pass them by. :nono:


New member
I know, but this motion for a rehearing was a logical step to take.

I was hoping, but not expecting, for it to happen.

Why did everyone cave?

Because they were afraid of being called "bigots."

You can bet gay activists would never let such an opportunity pass them by. :nono:

Exactly. I predicted in 2013 that it would be at least ten years before the Supreme Court legalized SSM. But the LGBT movement never took a break. Usually, if the Supreme Court rules on an issue, they wait more than two years to revisit it, especially if all the justices were the same.


New member
Most of the GOP establishment is there to protect the interests of their wealthy campaign donors. They don't really care about anything else. The evangelical wing of the GOP cares, but isn't big enough to move the party of wall street. That's what you get for joining up with wall street.


New member
Is anyone still surprised at anything establishment Republicans do or don't do?
I suppose not. :plain: They seem to think that fiscal conservatism negates the need for social conservatism. Imagine if liberals were only fiscally liberal, and let social values go. :think: