Greetings from the swamp


New member
Well hello and greeting from the swamp.

My name is shrek aka Gerald and I live in Swansea, Wales, Uk. Thought I would introduce myself.

I am a single guy 40yrs old. I work in health & social care explain to people the latest lesiglation regarding mental health. I have a degree in theology and i am starting a masters later in the year.

My areas of theological intrest are:

1. Hermenutics
2. Mental Health
3. Community & community formation

I look forward to sharing with you

God bless

Nathon Detroit

I'm a makin' waffles.



TOL Subscriber
Well hello and greeting from the swamp.

My name is shrek aka Gerald and I live in Swansea, Wales, Uk. Thought I would introduce myself.

I am a single guy 40yrs old. I work in health & social care explain to people the latest lesiglation regarding mental health. I have a degree in theology and i am starting a masters later in the year.

My areas of theological intrest are:

1. Hermenutics
2. Mental Health
3. Community & community formation

I look forward to sharing with you

God bless
No flyin' talkin' donkies here, but welcome anyway!!:cheers:


New member
I like my waffles with syrup, Mr Knight. and as for talking donkies didnt Balam get rebuked by a donkey in Numbers. So talking donkies yes, flying ones maybe not haha


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I'm a talking tree-not a donkey. Welcome to TOL!


New member
Hall of Fame
Well hello and greeting from the swamp.

My name is shrek aka Gerald and I live in Swansea, Wales, Uk. Thought I would introduce myself.

I am a single guy 40yrs old. I work in health & social care explain to people the latest lesiglation regarding mental health. I have a degree in theology and i am starting a masters later in the year.

My areas of theological intrest are:

1. Hermenutics
2. Mental Health
3. Community & community formation

I look forward to sharing with you

God bless

Howdy, shrek! Y maent yr mynyddoedd yn canu, ac y maer arglwyddes yn dod...

Welcome, have a mug of coffee and biscuit or two. The raspberry jam is fresh. I haven't any clotted cream, however. My apologies. :e4e:

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

Active in a church?
Synergistic or monergistic, soteriologically?
Hermeneutical methodology?




Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Donkey as well now?!? :TomO:

Hi, Shrek. :wave:

A little friendly warning. Watch out for chickenman. He's got one too many birds on the antennae, if you know what I mean. ;)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well hello and greeting from the swamp.
You momentarily made dr's heart skip a beat...hang around and that will eventually make sense.

My name is shrek aka Gerald and I live in Swansea, Wales, Uk. Thought I would introduce myself.
It's good form for a forum. :thumb:

I am a single guy 40yrs old. I work in health & social care explain to people the latest lesiglation regarding mental health. I have a degree in theology and i am starting a masters later in the year.
Interesting background. It will come in handy around here (all of it).

Welcome aboard! :e4e:
Last edited:


New member
Well hello and greeting from the swamp.

My name is shrek aka Gerald and I live in Swansea, Wales, Uk. Thought I would introduce myself.

I am a single guy 40yrs old. I work in health & social care explain to people the latest lesiglation regarding mental health. I have a degree in theology and i am starting a masters later in the year.

My areas of theological intrest are:

1. Hermenutics
2. Mental Health
3. Community & community formation

I look forward to sharing with you

God bless

Welcome Gerald, you shall be challenged here.


New member
Hi all

Thank you for the words of welcome, warning and challenge.

to answer of few of the questions, firstly I do not speak Welsh as I am an Englishman who moved here to work supporting people duel diagnosis of learning difficulties and mental health. specialising in those who have severe challanging behaviour. That is the reason for my interest in exploring a theology for the mental health as so many have paraniod breaks involving religious figures. And befofre you ask no I dont have a mental illness myself haha, only a playful sense of humour.

As for denomination I was not brought up in a church but came to faith in my late teens through the Baptist tradition. I currently attend a non denominational church that is charismatic in its worship and gifting, and more evangelical in its biblical exposition. I have had many roles in church live in the past 20yrs, from pastoral to preaching to deacon. At present I have scaled back my involvement as I am looking at studying for a masters in theology and working full time and helping home educate my children. So those are the priorities before me for the next few yrs.

As for:

Synergistic or monergistic, soteriologically?
Hermeneutical methodology?

I will let you find out in the forum disscussions and dont want to spoil the supprise.

Take care,


Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I like my waffles with syrup, Mr Knight. and as for talking donkies didnt Balam get rebuked by a donkey in Numbers. So talking donkies yes, flying ones maybe not haha

The donkey asked "have I ever behaved like this before?"

The prophet said "nay"

Hi :wave:


New member
welcome Shrek, hope you enjoy TOL


I'm not a puppet, I'm a real boy!
[nose grows]
Five shillings for the possessed toy. Take it away.