Greece bailout: Four-month extension in eurozone deal


[Eurozone Officials Reach Accord With Greece to Extend Bailout by Liz Alderman and James Kanterfeb Brussels] "European leaders agreed on Friday to extend Greece’s bailout for four months after weeks of tense negotiations.

The deal, reached at an emergency meeting of eurozone finance ministers here, paves the way for Greece to unlock further financial aid from a 240 billion euro, or $273 billion, bailout deal — provided the country meets certain commitments laid out by its creditors.

“I’m glad to report to you that the work has paid off,” Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the head of the Eurogroup of finance ministers, said at a news conference. “We have established common ground again.”

The deal is likely to give Greece breathing room. For one, it could help stem flights of deposits from the country’s banks, which have been bleeding money during the standoff between Greece and its creditors..." Full text: Eurozone Officials Reach Accord With Greece to Extend Bailout