Government Health Care in the USA

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Government, insurance companies, lawyers, THEN the patient

Stossel makes the excellent point that for procedures that are not covered by insurance the prices are continually going down, the outcomes are continually getting better, there's a competition, there's a drive to improve


Well-known member
Just imagine all the nurses refusing to go to hospitals until they are completely safe like the teacher union leaders are doing in California and New York

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Just imagine all the nurses refusing to go to hospitals until they are completely safe like the teacher union leaders are doing in California and New York
I wonder if these other countries that have socialized medicine have nurse's unions and teacher's unions. UK and Canada come to mind, I'm sure there's others

Gary K

New member
I wonder if these other countries that have socialized medicine have nurse's unions and teacher's unions. UK and Canada come to mind, I'm sure there's others
All of this evidence of corruption in the medical establishment and people still trust them, and trust the vaccines they push on us. People really need to do a lot of research to find the truth. The medical establishment has been lying to us for at least 100 years. They have lied to us about cancer, suppressed effective cancer treatments with the government's help, lied to us about vaccines with government help, lied to us about diabetes with government help, lied to us about GM foods and products with government help. It's a list that just goes on and on.