Google Tracking Abortion Bill Gates

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Google Tracking Abortion Bill Gates

This is the show from Thursday January 5th, 2009.

Some people say, "Bob, don't you know what the government could do?"

Yeah, I know. And it's pretty evil. But don't put the cart before the horse. If your principles are all backwards then what makes you think you could ever hope to influence the culture for good? Just by being paranoid? Being paranoid doesn't help anybody.


* Post-show update- Telethon at 5%: Bob Enyart and Doug McBurney present the news from a biblical perspective. And the KGOV staff is thankful that so far, our listeners have given 5% of our $20,000 goal to keep Bob Enyart broadcasting through 2009! Please give online or by calling 1-800-8Enyart! Please help!

* Ruth Bader Ginsburg has Pancreatic Cancer: Of course, even though she is a mass murderer of unborn children, no one could wish pancreatic cancer on any person. As to the atheist remark by Stephen Hawking that Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg is just scum and that her disease is insignificant, what can we at BEL say, other than, "We warned you." And while we would not wish cancer on any human being, whether or not Ginsburg is a 'person' is a question that many atheists and liberals would be unable to determine authoritatively, including all those who do not know whether anything whatsoever is true or not.

* Caller Robert Defends OJ: after phoning into perhaps the wrong radio program :) , Robert criticized Bob and Doug for burning O.J.'s memorabilia on the steps of the L.A. courthouse, and he attempted to defend the brutal murderer. Bob and Doug reviewed just some of the incriminating evidence showing Simpson's guilt. Then Bob explained to Robert that the Bible does NOT require two or three eyewitnesses to convict of a criminal, but two or three pieces of evidence including physical evidence. Also, while Robert assumed he was being "nice" toward O.J., in reality, he was making egregious accusations against the dozens of people who assembled the overwhelming evidence against O.J., accusing those people of framing an innocent man and thereby of being accomplices after the fact to help some other assumed criminal get away with a double murder. Of course, what Robert is accusing these innocent people of is a crime that God considers tantamount to murder, i.e., perjury and evidence tampering in a capital crime. (And hear Court TV interview Bob during Scott Peterson's death penalty sentencing.)

* Google 'Latitude' Service Maps People in Real Time: Want to know where your friends are this very minute? All of you sign up for Google Latitude and you can watch their photo bounce along on Broadway as they walk down the block! And a caller challenges the BEL policy initiative calling for a Universal DNA Database.

* Bill Gates Unleashes More Bugs: While Thomas Malthus could not be reached for an alternative view, BEL reports gratitude among conference attendees that the mosquitoes Gates released were not infected with malaria. Of course for nearly twenty years BEL on air has advocated the use of the pesticide DDT to protect millions of parents and children from deadly malaria, and only recently has the World Health Organization agreed with the BEL policy initiative. Liberals claim their DDT ban saved some fish, as tens of millions of children have been tortured by the disease that DDT could have virtually eradicated years ago. Of course, this sound like yesterday's episode of The View in which the liberals criticized killing wolves but defended killing children, with one wicked panelist saying that we're talking about [protecting] animals, not children!

Today's Resource: For our February BEL Broadcast Telethon, save $20 on any two Bible Study albums for a gift of $50 (normally $69.98) and save more than $50 on any four BEL resources (including The Plot, etc.) for a gift of $100 to help Bob Enyart stay on the air for another year! You can browse our online KGOV Store to select the titles you are most interested in, and then please call 1-800-8Enyart to order, or send a check to Bob Enyart Live, PO Box 583, Arvada CO 80001. Also get the second month FREE if you sign up for any of our Subscription Services (like our BEL Televised Classics), and SAVE up to $150 if you mention the telethon to get 10% off our Enyart Library (one of everything!), the BEL Audio Library, or the BEL Video Library!
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I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I sincerely believe that there is a concerted effort by the "powers that be" to reduce the population, and one of the ways to enact their agenda is to prey on people's fears concerning diseases, in order to inoculate them with vaccines laced to promote sterilization.
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