God's "Signal Benefits"--Washington


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I'm not sure of the year of Washington's proclamation about Thanksgiving, given in New York, but it forms a bridge between the original event and the Constitution. The reason you probably aren't aware of it is due to the propaganda of Leftist media in the West.

The proclamation is fairly short but is full of reverence and gratitude to God for providing the same inalienable rights as mentioned in the Declaration of Independence and in creation in general and in the type of government now formed. The type of writing sounds like verses from Ephesians 1.

This frame of the Constitution is essentially due to Thomas Paine sitting in a sermon by Pastor Duche in Philadelphia in 1775. It was a sermon on Galatians 5, in which Paine realized the civic corrollary(ies) to a believer's freedom in Christ that needed to be written out, and the necessity of separation of power. By that afternoon, he had the outline needed by those seeking independence.

The line I found most intriguing this time rereading Washington's proclamation was that we have been given 'signal benefits' from God that indicate his goodness and character. Knowing the general's use of spies to gain victory from the Crown, this is a rich phrase that shows a thorough understanding of the communication of God, but perhaps also how unbelief tries to snow that communication. The Christian believer can see all sorts of blessing; the unbeliever--about the same things--says things like 'they don't exist,' 'the God in question doesn't exist,' 'the things are not blessings,' 'there is no such connection between blessings/pleasures and God' etc., in an annoying array of negativity.

When Washington used the term 'signal' I have to think he knew this problem. He knew the situation was like the signal systems and codes worked out by the Continentals with the Turncoats, and that such systems worked for the Revolution, because the English couldn't decode them. He did this in the hope that all English would 'turn' of course.

This problem is absolutely true right to today, and about the Constitution. It is one of the main tests of historical knowledge of America. Almost everyone knows the names of Jefferson and Franklin, both deists, in connection with the Declaration and the convention. Almost no one knows the names of any others because most of them were pastors with a high view of Scripture. To the Left, it is unthinkable that such 'quirks' could have put such a thing together. Its propaganda tells our young people that religion was the problem. It should have said one religion was, but the Left is not interested in truth, just in keeping a following.

You would think the Left would be happy to pounce alongside the Constitution on monarchism, but instead it has confusedly attacked a completely fictional enemy as it memorializes a nearly fictional revolution and Constitution. 'The Constitution is fundamentally flawed'--Obama. You would think the Left would be happy to oppose religious persecution, but the Left's enemies are those who arrived here to be free of it. The Left are the "British," the "Crown."

We must not miss the fact that the role of God as creator and basis of rights is what makes the Declaration and Constitution work. They do not work without them. The basis of existence and rights has to be outside the state, and that state should be as small as possible, so that each citizen can achieve greatness. 'A leader who looks for long term work as a representative will only fill the capitol with rottenness.'--Jefferson, echoing the genius of the Constitution's many limits of power, including the length of power.
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