Global Warming er um Climate Change FRAUD

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Been covered before, but the claim keeps coming up

"That was a fib"

lol - how Canadian

8:42 for the answer

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
They really believe that we're like going to turn into Venus, don't they? That's the only thing that makes any sense as regards their urgency. We are posing no risk or threat to the habitability of earth. But this is how they all act. They're delirious.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Climate change isn't about the climate. It isn't about the habitability of the Earth or people dying or land being flooded or crops failing or ice melting or wildlife habitat or any of that sort of stuff.

It is about politics. It is about power. The left will use any excuse they can to gain as much power over the way you live your life and they aren't kidding about it. They are playing for keeps and are playing the long game and aren't afraid to lie and cheat in order to gain the power which they seek.

They are winning and they will win unless the real majority in this country wakes up and starts fighting the battle on the aggressor's own terms and stops worrying about what name they're going to call us in the press.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Climate models? What climate models? We don't need no steenkin' climate models!

Interestingly, water vapor, the variable the video goes into some detail about, is only one of several such variables that have a direct and statistically important impact on climate modelling, all of which the modelers have to basically guess at when running their model, if they're accounted for at all. What's more is that each of these variables (e.g. solar activity, oceanic algae growth, how many trees there are, volume of fresh water run off into the ocean, oceanic currents, overall variation in oceanic salinity, surface polar ice, cloud coverage (particularly in the polar regions), etc, etc, etc) effect many, if not all, of the other variables. An increase in one causes a decrease on another which in turn either increases or decreases yet another and so on. In short, it is WILDLY COMPLEX! It is, in fact, far and away too complex for anyone to have any idea at all about what the climate is going to be doing even ten years from now, never mind fifty or a hundred or a thousand years from now, which is why all the predictions that these climate models have made over the decades have all been universally wrong.

In fact, Earth's ecology is so wildly complex that it isn't even accurate to say that we have any real evidence that the climate is changing in any way whatsoever! The portions of the ecosystem that are both meaningfully measurable and that have been measured are so minute in comparison to the complex systems that make up the "climate" that it would be like trying to predict what IBM's stock price will be two years from now based on how many cars are parked in the parking lot at its corporate head quarters and modern trends in oil prices. (Yes, both the number of employees the company has and the price of oil have an impact on IBM's business.)


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Caution: science ahead!

While I don't agree with his conclusions I put this up here to spark a discussion if anybody is intrested. What assumptions is he making that might be in error?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Another interesting sciencey one with a twist I hadn't heard proposed before, saturation on the quantum level. Again I present this for those who are interested in examining the presenter's arguments and identifying the flaws in his reasoning.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
So, instead of just posting a link to a video, can you at least give us some idea of what the video says? I, for one, don't want to train the YouTube algorithm to feed me one climate change video after another, not to mention all the other politically left wing crap that it would undoubtedly feed me along with it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So, instead of just posting a link to a video, can you at least give us some idea of what the video says? I, for one, don't want to train the YouTube algorithm to feed me one climate change video after another, not to mention all the other politically left wing crap that it would undoubtedly feed me along with it.
The gist of this one is that we should be spending 10 times as much as we are on basic R&D and that the government has a better track record funding R&D than private enterprise because private enterprise tends to invest in things that give a return in 4 to 8 years, and this sort of basic R&D might not have a financial return until 40 years out. He also talks a lot about what we shouldn't be funding.
When I was listening to this one, while I was walking across a frozen golf course in the bitter wind, I was reminded of AOC's childish comparison to the effort that the US made during World War II - "this is our WW2". Imagine if on December 08, 1941 Roosevelt had decided to nationalize industry, nationalize raw materials, order the draft, order new ships, planes, tanks, uniforms and all the gear that a modern growing army needs AND also forced the armed forces, government at every level, universities, public schools, churches - every part of the structure of our society, to include homosexuals, women and every ethnicity with quotas at every level.

Lomborg, being primarily an economist, realizes that there are tradeoffs - when you decide to fund one thing you're deciding not to fund something else. When you decide to focus your attention on one thing you're deciding not to pay attention to something else. We need to be spending our money wisely. We need to be directing our attention wisely.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I was going to recommend this one anyway - the sad sack guy is kind of a blah lecturer but he covers a lot of ground that I don't hear covered very often. An admission by climatistas that the models have always been very poor and are still poor.

But what really caught my attention was this little segue at 30:55. Listen to it and see if you respond the way I did.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"My end view is that this is a little bit like the Marshall plan for bailing out Europe after World War II, where the US pumped large amounts of money into stimulating the European economy. Not particularly for altruistic reasons but because they feared the spread of communism. They wanted to stop that."

An amazing admission by one of the modern British "intelligentsia" that they don't see socialism/communism as something to fear.