Give praise where praise is due!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I think Letsargue makes a whole lot of sense. I think he's
one of the most, intelligent, focused, and levelheaded
posters on TOL. Most of all; his loving kindness towards
his fellow posters, far exceeds all of us combined.

At times I feel almost jealous, of his brilliant intuitive
observations and insightful opinions. He's a force to
be reckoned with, that's for certain! He's always ready
with a kind word. He also has a healthy tolerance for those
who disagree with his way of thinking.

His warmth and welcoming ways are a credit to his
marvelous personality, and his uncanny intellect. I
earnestly hope to get some positive feedback from
those who have interacted with this wonderful
and deserving Gentleman.

My desire is that, no one doubts my sincerity or
thinks I'm being, somewhat Magniloquent about
this serious subject matter. That being; my
admiration for a fellow poster who I have
nothing but respect for. I wish I were, half
the man Letsargue (Paul) is!
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