George Bush Lovin' on Barack Obama

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George Bush Lovin' on Barack Obama

This is the show from Monday January 5th, 2009.

The Bush family opposition to abortion is phoney. If you've been duped, you should feel ashamed of yourself because we're not talking about getting tricked by a mortgage broker into paying an extra point on your loan. We're talking about people who support the murder of innocent children. And you were tricked into supporting them by their rhetoric when after 12 years of Bush presidents there was no attempt to give legal protection to even a single unborn child.


* Bush Approves of Pro-Abortion Obama: Barbara and Laura Bush are openly pro-abortion. But what about the Bush men? Interviewed yesterday on Fox News Sunday, George H. W. Bush gives more evidence that the Bush men could not care less about the killing of unborn children. Partial transcript:

CHRIS WALLACE: ... What do you think of Barack Obama?
G.H.W. BUSH: Well, I wish I knew him better. ... But I'm impressed with him. I'm very impressed with his style on the campaign and his coolness and his articulate nature. ... I start off with a very favorable impression...
BOB ENYART: Chris, you realize, George H.W. is talking about a child killer. Obama, remember, he is a pro-abortion child killer.
WALLACE: [Mr. President] there any piece of advice that you'd give...
G.H.W. BUSH: ... I'd say get people around you in whom you have confidence. ...and I think - I think he's off to a good start in that [KGOV: all child killers]. ... And I think he should, and will, get people around him and who - he has their loyalty and to whom he can give his loyalty. ...
ENYART: A good start? His aides are all pro-abortion child killers. George, I thought you were pro-life?
WALLACE: [Asked if Obama's presidential honeymoon will last long...]
G.H.W. BUSH: ... He's facing such enormous problems that I don't know how long it will last. But I think he's a good, strong guy and I think he can take it.
ENYART: Chris, even this very interview should help you and the audience realize that the Bush family opposition to child killing is a political façade. It's make-believe. It's there to get pro-life money and votes. That's it. It's not real. It's phony. Any Christian who has been duped should feel ashamed of himself, because we're not talking about getting tricked by a mortgage broker into paying an extra point on your loan; we're talking about people who support the murder of innocent children. How absurd to be tricked into supporting pro-choice Republicans by such thinly veiled lies, by political campaign rhetoric. After twelve years of Bush presidencies, there was no attempt to give legal protection to even a single unborn child. Even if some law or other was passed saying that you can't kill the baby in this certain way, no worry, you could always kill her in some other way. If a law is passed that a criminal who kills a fetus can be charged with an additional crime, still, the mother could abort the baby. Such regulations have wasted millions of dollars and decades of time, and they are not legal protections for children; these efforts merely regulate child killing to placate gullible Christians into donating money and support to pro-choice Republicans. ...
WALLACE: It's a pleasure and an honor to talk with you.
ENYART: Thank you Chris.

* Wilberforce Biographer in Denver: Eric Metaxas wrote the book that inspired the movie Amazing Grace! Colorado Right To Life has reserved the steps of the Capitol in Denver to hold a rally and then march to the 16th Street Mall when it's teeming with people, at noon on Thur. Jan. 22nd! Eric Metaxas wrote the best-selling Amazing Grace documenting the relentless effort of perhaps the greatest abolitionist of all time, William Wilberforce, who worked for 46 years to end slavery! Abortion was legalized in our state forty-one years ago yet in 2008 we had 585,000 Coloradans vote for personhood to end all abortions! Don't give up! Don't be discouraged! Stand up for God and for His command, Do not murder! Come out and join Bob Enyart and hundreds of other pro-life Christians at noon on January 22nd at the Capitol and hear Eric Metaxas encourage us with the lessons learned by Wilberforce in his life's work to recognize the slave's right to life and liberty! Call 303 753-9394 or see for more information!

* See Brian Rohrbough in DC: the president of American Right To Life will be speaking this weekend at the Institute on the Constitution!

* You've seen the movie! You've heard the story. Now learn the truth!

Post-show notes

* Al Franken is Now Certifiable:
liberal laughing stock Al Franken has been officially certified.

* BEL Indiana Seminars: Bob Enyart is coming to Indiana, Goshen in the evening of Jan. 29th and Indianapolis on Saturday January 31st, to present a brand new BEL Seminar titled Hermeneutics: Tools for Studying the Bible. Learn how to use tools of interpretation as you study the Bible. And as importantly, Bob will discuss the principles involved for prioritizing these hermeneutics and how to decide which tool to use in which instance. You'll love it! Click for more info and to register please call 1-800-8Enyart!

Today's Resource: Enjoy Bob Enyart's Bible study on the book of Esther! What wrong had Queen Vashti committed to justify her divorce? This study addresses the hard questions that arise when reading the fascinating book of Esther! God's enemies used the mighty King Ahasuerus almost as a pawn, and then he reversed himself and complied with the request of God's people. Did the LORD predestine these contradictory actions by the King? Did God cause hundreds of women to be sexually degraded, and did He put the Jews in great trouble just so that He could then be their hero and save them? Or were the ugly historic details of Esther the result of sinful men acting apart from God's will? Christians studying Esther can learn about how God prefers to influence the affairs of men and nations.


Well-known member
Nothing new here. I have been saying the liberal media (yes, that includes Fox) are all liberal and don't give a rip about those who are pro aborts, cause they are mostly pro aborts themselves.

Shai Gar

New member
Fox is not Liberal. Nor is CNN.

All the mainstream media in america is rightwing, it's just a question of HOW rightwing imperialist.
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