
Gary K

New member
I can already ese everyone rolling their eyes going oh, not again.

I have a small favor to ask of you. Next time you go outside look closely at the dandelions. I finally did this a couple of months ago and what I discovered is pretty scary. Remember those dandelions you played with qas a kid blowing the seed puff ball apart and watching the seeds float away on the breeze? These innocuous plants havve had their dna damaged byeond repair. You will find some of them with very short stems. Others with very long stems Some blossoms will be only about 5/18ths of am inch in diameter. Almost all of them will be missing petals around their edges, On others the bud never fully opens and all you'll see of the blossom is a tiny tuft of yellow at the end. You will find an almost infinite array of damage.

This is what happens when we will not investigate what is right in front of us 24/7 and the nedia tells us it doesn't exist. Our founding fathers told us to not trust government and to hold them accoutable for what they do. We have ignored their counsel and slept with our eyes wide open.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Ignore it and keep preaching. I remember telling my relatives about the alarming decrease in insect populations over a decade ago that I learned from my so-called "quack" sources. Now even Wikipedia is writing about it.
Who would have guessed that spraying insecticide all over the place and spewing pollution into the environment would lead to a decline in insect populations? But your own source states the following in its first paragraph:

"The declines are far from uniform. In some localities, there have been reports of increases in overall insect population, and some types of insects appear to be increasing in abundance across the world."

So I'm not convinced that the sky is falling just yet.

Gary K

New member
Who would have guessed that spraying insecticide all over the place and spewing pollution into the environment would lead to a decline in insect populations? But your own source states the following in its first paragraph:

"The declines are far from uniform. In some localities, there have been reports of increases in overall insect population, and some types of insects appear to be increasing in abundance across the world."

So I'm not convinced that the sky is falling just yet.
Who would guess that dumping housands of tons a poisons into the air would damage the earth. Remember HAARP? Remember how all the testing of it to change the weather by the navy was successful?

Gary K

New member
The assumptions made by people who dismiss my statements are based on arrogant ignorance. Every one of you know nothing about where I live. I live in a mountainous region that has little to no agriculture because the soil is so poor. The few small farmers around here are so small they live off of the local farmer's market and most of them grow organic foods. Those who don/t have their farms dozens of miles away from where I live. Your assumptions are that the summer breeze carries heavier than air sprays anywhere from fifty to hundreds of miles to my locality but no one spraysi n high wind conditions. It doesn't. It can't. But no one bothers to ask about these types of things when it's just so easy to assume I'm a crank out of uninformed ignorance.

Yes, that will be seen as insulting but so are your ignorant assumptions. The level of arrogance is pretty amazing. I've most likely made a few more enemies but at this moment my attitude is"who cares".

Gary K

New member
When I was young I worked for an apple farmer for several years. One of my summertime jobs was to spray roundup and paraquat on ditch banks and tree rows. Spraying the tree rows was to kill the grass growing around the trees as during the winter the mice would live in there and gnaw the bark girdling the trees. It's probably why I got cancer as I breathed in a whole lot of poison doing that.

The point of this story is that all those thousands of gallons of spray never affected the the dna of the plants. Roudup affected the ability of the plants to absorb nutrients by binding to the plant's receptors. Paraquat literally killed the plants by burning the leaves off the plant. The combination killed plants that were not particularly affected by either one alone. Neither one affected any new plants by messing with their dna. Morning glory wasn't affected by either or both at the same time. Know what? All those thousands of gallons of spray never affected the dna of the morning glory and their leaves were covered several times a year.

So if sprays affect the dna, which no sprays target, how is it that all dandelions have damaged dna? I'd really litke his to be explained to me. There ought to be a lot of evidence showing how sprays target and damage dna. Even ddt didn't damage dna. When it was removed from the market bird eggs returned to normal and there were no deformities in the bird populations.