Genesis in the Jailhouse

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Genesis in the Jailhouse

This is the show from Tuesday June 16th, 2009.

Letter from jail from Bob to Jim Daley, president of Focus on the Family:
Dear Mr. Daley:

Incarcerated in El Paso County Jail as a member of American Right to Life, I'd like to clarify the reason for our Dobson pledge protest. ...Focus on the Family has openly admitted that Dr. James Dobson no longer holds his famous pro-life pledge. Yet by continuing to air that pledge and to show in the Welcome Center that now broken promise, this is a dishonest representation to your supporters. Before hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers Dr. Dobson invoked God's name and pledged that he would never vote for a politician who has exceptions to the unborn children he would protect. Well, that kind of leadership resonates with pro-lifers. But breaking that oath was a sin. Continuing to use it as a marketing tool to present a false image to your ministry supporters is unconscionable. And because Dr. Dobson invoked the Lord, use of that broken pledge is an ongoing affront to God. Everyone deserves, and we expect more, from our Christian leaders.

Bob Enyart, member of American Right to Life


* Bob Enyart Live from El Paso County Jail. Hear Bob from his jail cell as he serves day seven of a 9-day sentence.
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