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How can any of you who are Smarter than God say that there is ANYTHING Yet to be Fulfilled?? -- Every Word of God written has Been Fulfilled since AD70. - There is Nothing left to Fulfill!!! – Read it!!> :
(( Luke 21:20-22 KJV )) --- 20- “And ((( When YE shall SEE Jerusalem compassed with armies ))), ((( THEN Know ))) that (( the desolation thereof is nigh )). 21- (( Then )) ((( let them which are in Judaea ))) (flee to the mountains; and let (( them which are in the midst of it )) depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto ). 22- (((( For these be the days of vengeance )))), that (((( ALL THINGS )))) ((which are WRITTEN may be (( FULFILLED ))”. --//-----

That is GOD Speaking, just before AD70, - and You All Say that Christ has not come YET???? – What does any Satanic Fool do with this> :
(( Matthew 24:14 KJV )) – 14- “And ((( This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world ))) for a witness unto all nations; AND ((((( THEN shall the END COME )))))”. --&-- (( Colossians 1:23 KJV )) – “((( Be not moved away from the hope of the Gospel ))), ((( Which ye have heard ))), AND ((( Which ( was Preached to every creature ) which is under Heaven )))”. --//-----
What did GOD SAY There??? --- Has the Gospel already been Preached to ( Every Creature under Heaven )) OR NOT?? – If it HAS, Then The End has Come with the Coming of Christ in AD70!!!!! – Read IT!!! ((( That Has Been FULFILLED already )))!!!

Christ Came!!!! -- Of Course Christ has Not received you unto Himself, because You have Not Receive Him unto YOURSELVES!! – How else can Christ be IN You, and You IN Christ?? - Does any FOOL Know what that Means?? – (( NO!! ))!!

You in Christ, and Christ in you, means that YOU Are - “CHRIST” in Person, in Spirit – “COME”, - but that is Not any of You!!! – To you, Christ hasn’t even Come yet to Receive you unto Himself. - How in your world COULD You have received Christ if He has NOT COME YET???? – ((( SATAN ))) Speaks!!!!

(( Example ))
If I say, - that I WILL Drink the Water, -- what is still there before I fulfill the Prophesy?? --- Then, When I DO Drink the Water, Now, What is Left of anything?? – (( There IS NO Prophesy, or Water )). - There is Nothing Left!!

((( Luke 21:22 KJV ))). --- 22- “For these be the (( Days of Vengeance )), (((( That - all - things - which - are - Written )))) (( May be Fulfilled )). --//-----
There, Now, - What’s left of ANYTHING?? --- (( Luke 21:33 KJV )) – 33 -- “((Heaven and earth shall pass away )): BUT (( My words shall not pass away ))”. --//-----

You IN Christ - is - you making up a part of Christ, his Body, such as His hand, or foot -- Remember!! – AND If (( “CHRIST” / the, “Body of Christ” is IN You )), That is the Whole Body of Christ in You, and that IS EVERY other Christian who makes up the Body of Christ that is in you, and (( That is Your Body )), or your House, or your Family. -- WE ALL Are ONE, The same ONE / Christ and Him “COME”, in ALL His Holy ANGELS, -- that is ( IF ) you are Christian!!!! -- Read IT!!!

Paul, David – 070814