From hellish O.T. churches to heaven-ward crucified ones.


Actually 1st century primitive church was crucified pacifist church. Their center was cross and gospel to lead to Christ, who conquered this most cruel instrument of fallen humanity. But from the 2nd century church began to compromise with devil protégée kings’ wars. Warlike jewish old testament (OT) began to be popular to unconverted violent people in the church. Spurious Revelation appeared which is like a war-council and a locked jail like heaven. Actually that compromising Church losing real love-heaven fell to that Revelation hell presented as heaven. It was little different from its hell, where it put its condemned ones.

From then on church’s descent to violence escalated. They suppressed pacifist gospel by making OT and Revelation equal to it by compiling bible including them. This trend to violence led to advancement of lethal weapons and war technology. Now hydrogen bomb is the latest advancement in annihilation.

But all along there were scattered underground martyric crucified churches, the reflections of the real church of heaven. Still now they are and will be by the power of Holy Spirit. We saw that church in jails, gulags, concentration camps etc. recently. Violence, torture even Atomic war can do no harm to their soul. Atom bomb is the fruit of compromising churches to demonize its members to hell. Then no cross, Christ’s blood and body worship, or sacraments will save. Only repentant following of Christ saves.

How we can be in that crucified church to be saved? These churches were meant to be the recruiting bases for the one real heavenly church. These bases have become much corrupted due to fallen humanity’s disintegrating downward drift. Rather hell recruits through them now. But when one connects to Christ and the saint-martyrs of the real heavenly church by repentance they help one to rise to their level.

I cultured the lives of martyrs and still doing, so I am rising. In that phase enmity of the fallen world is sure. As we rise up more, world’s enmity intensifies as we become incompatible to it. But that we must take with compassion for the persecutors as the recent martyrs in the communist lands did. When they tortured to death the conscientious objectors they prayed for them as they saw their suicidal plight. That is impossible by our nature but possible by love-heaven’s nature. That we get when we repent and atone sincerely for our original and present sins. Initially our repentance is shallow but when we continue atoning by love-works our love increases to make our repentance better and more effective.

But there are many fatal doctrines that destroy repentance. Such are “saved by faith, not works” and “once saved always saved’. The first one erroneously says that when one believe in Christ that faith automatically do love-works in him. This is a most pernicious theory as suddenly one can’t have even a mustard seed like faith in Christ, let alone full faith. Then one could move a mountain as Christ said. Initially we have a very small inadequate faith. When we work in that faith that increase a little. Then working on it, increases it again. In this way by innumerably repeating faith and work cycle our faith increases slowly. It is corroborated by mine and others experiences. So Christ exhorted us to do love-works. He didn’t say that believe in me and that faith will automatically do the needed works. He rather said “if you do love-works you will be accepted”.

They wrongly interpreted self-proclaimed apostle Paul’s ‘saved by faith, not works’ statement out of context. He meant jewish rituals by the term ‘works’, not love-works, which he exhorted us to do. Of course He told wrongly that if our works have anything do with our salvation, then we might become proud, giving God no glory. No! If one wants to be proud, one can be proud of faith or anything. Father wants to activate and glorify sons too, as sons’ actions and glory rebounds on Father. But proud-devil lords don’t want to glorify servants. Paul jewish god was such lord, not father. He failed to realize fully father-God of Christ.
When we love Father, we act and ascribe our glory to Father, without becoming proud and vice versa. Only love subdues pride, nothing else. If we try other means it will resurface in worse forms.
The “once saved always saved” doctrine is pernicious as we were never saved (love-integrated) initially but on the way to be. This love-integration takes perseverance. The thief on the cross chose the way of heaven by repentance and a day in the spiritual world is years compared to this world. So he had time to perseveare.
But the proponents of those easy Christianity get much ‘take it easy’ lazy people to flock to them. We must not be misled by seeing great number or majority. Real christ-followers are often alone as christ himself was. We must be ready to be alone to follow him.