Freedom of Speech:


New member
Freedom of Speech??

YES Of Course!!! – Your government still has a great deal of - “Freedom of Speech” in our favor. - BUT!! – Just look at the freedom anyone has according to this Hypocrite Religious bunch. – Look at the “Freedom of Speech” Jesus was given by his own people who were taught ABOUT Him in their own religion. ( They Killed Him!!!!! ) For Speaking His Own “WILL”!!! --- ( Luke 11:53-54 KJV ) ---&--- ( Acts 5:40-41 KJV ), --- Freedom of Speech??? – Just look at this bunch of Hypocrites; - they ignore, and call you names if you don’t believe or teach the doctrines they say. - If you’re different than they, you don’t have the right to speak or be heard. ( Real Christians )!!! – SO Now, ignore me, and call me names, and you go on teaching your foolishness to your own FOOLS!!!!

This bunch of flattering hypocrites, can’t respond Christian, but have to be flattered to respond to any flattering fool!! – I don’t flatter anyone, and I don’t care a wit about being ( FLATTERED ), but the Truth be Praised; - but Not By This Bunch Of Know-it-alls!!!! Follow your own kind: --- ( Acts 26:24 KJV ).

FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!?? - Your government; - run by Marxists, has more freedom of speech than you give to anyone different than YOURSELVES!!!! – But I LOVE IT!! – Someday you lying hypocrites will know what (( “FREE” )) IS!!!! --- ( 1 Corinthians 7:22 KJV ) ---&--- ( John 8:36 KJV ) – Now take your phony, cursed “~freedom of speech”, and (( LIVE UNDER IT ))!!!!

How did your votes come out!!!!????? ---- Never mind, I don’t have the right to speak of it!!!!!

Paul – 110613


New member
Freedom of Speech??

YES Of Course!!! – Your government still has a great deal of - “Freedom of Speech” in our favor. - BUT!! – Just look at the freedom anyone has according to this Hypocrite Religious bunch. – Look at the “Freedom of Speech” Jesus was given by his own people who were taught ABOUT Him in their own religion. ( They Killed Him!!!!! ) For Speaking His Own “WILL”!!! --- ( Luke 11:53-54 KJV ) ---&--- ( Acts 5:40-41 KJV ), --- Freedom of Speech??? – Just look at this bunch of Hypocrites; - they ignore, and call you names if you don’t believe or teach the doctrines they say. - If you’re different than they, you don’t have the right to speak or be heard. ( Real Christians )!!! – SO Now, ignore me, and call me names, and you go on teaching your foolishness to your own FOOLS!!!!

This bunch of flattering hypocrites, can’t respond Christian, but have to be flattered to respond to any flattering fool!! – I don’t flatter anyone, and I don’t care a wit about being ( FLATTERED ), but the Truth be Praised; - but Not By This Bunch Of Know-it-alls!!!! Follow your own kind: --- ( Acts 26:24 KJV ).

FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!?? - Your government; - run by Marxists, has more freedom of speech than you give to anyone different than YOURSELVES!!!! – But I LOVE IT!! – Someday you lying hypocrites will know what (( “FREE” )) IS!!!! --- ( 1 Corinthians 7:22 KJV ) ---&--- ( John 8:36 KJV ) – Now take your phony, cursed “~freedom of speech”, and (( LIVE UNDER IT ))!!!!

How did your votes come out!!!!????? ---- Never mind, I don’t have the right to speak of it!!!!!

Paul – 110613

All you so called ~christian geniuses say that you Love Jesus, but yet none of you even Know what Jesus Means. - To you phony Religious what ever you call yourselves, – Jesus Means, only the guy who walked, and you still see Him as walking, as the fools you all are. – Jesus means “SAVIOR”, and the Savior is the “Law of Faith” / the “Gospel” which is still the “Truth” / the “Word of God” / “Christ” who or what the Power is that Saves anyone from the violations, or the Violator of the Law; - the Law of God and Christ is the Fulfillment of all Spiritual Truth / LAW. - Your father / Satan is the aggressor of the Law / Christ by playing like he’s the Christ, and you fools love HIM For it!!! - Satan is the Darkness, as Christ is the Bright Light that shines; NOT as a person, but as the Truth of all Spiritual Things, with the ”Carnal Truth”, or Carnal Laws of physics of all the true Creation standing behind the Spiritual Truth, not theories, or stupid nonsense you know-it-alls teach about your foolish Religions!!!!. The Carnal Creation is the Shadow of the Truth of the Spiritual / Christ, the New Creation. – Prove this wrong, you Know-it-alls!!! – ((( Free Speech???!!! ))), Yes of Course!!!

Is it Spiritually Lawful to teach things that are NOT Truth?? – Every Word in all the Scriptures are (( Parables )). There is nothing written in the whole Word of God that is not Parables. There was not a Jerusalem, ( As Described ), however there was and is a Jerusalem, but NOT the one as described in the Word of God. - Neither anyone said to have written the Bible, was nothing but people of Parables!!! --- ( Lawful )?? – Everything any of you carnal minded fools teach are Lies, and not the Truth of the Spiritual. There was not and still not anything that is carnal about God / Christ / the Holy Ghost, or anything that they have ever DONE were Carnal, but all were Spiritual by the Spiritual LAW / Christ!!!!

Where every false Christ / Antichrist miss all the Truth, is not hearing what the Total LAW of the Creation says of Itself to whom ever can Hear IT!!!! – There was no Moses, Daniel, or Paul. – They were just knowledge given to anyone who can receive it as they actually existed, as learning of God / Christ / the LAW of the Creation!!!

Question!! – Is there “Evolution” as defined by you ignoring so called ~christians; - or are all things destined to end, leaving nothing just like itself, as the Christ DID????? – Did Christ evolve from a serpent, or can a serpent evolve into a Lamb???!!! – OOHHH how I’m going to enjoy facing you lying Fools at your (( DEATH DATE ))!!!

Paul – 111713