Freedom of Religion


[Lawyer Ordered To Stop Praying For Help With Trial On Facebook by L.P. Phillips Dallas] "Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the right to a fair trial, and Facebook postings have stirred-up a hornet’s nest in Ellis County.

It starts with Waxahachie lawyer Mark Griffith, who doesn’t mind telling anyone he prays for help before court, during a trial and on Facebook.

It’s the Facebook part that is at issue, another new twist in the odd world that social media has created.

Twice, in separate trials, the Ellis County District Attorney’s office has convinced judges to stop Griffith from posting running commentary of a trial in his prayers on Facebook.

“No lawyer is allowed to make running commentary in the public forum regarding witnesses, the character of witnesses, the opinion of the guilt or innocence of defendants or suspects in criminal cases.” said Patrick Wilson, Ellis County District Attorney. He claims it’s basic legal ethics.

The argument doesn’t hold water with Griffith. He contends his office has a history of tweaking the DA in criminal cases, and he sees the argument over his prayers on Facebook as an effort by the District Attorney’s office to throw him off balance..." Full text: Texas Lawyer Ordered To Watch What He ‘Prays’ For On Facebook Jn 8:36, Re 13:17 more
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Hall of Fame
“No lawyer is allowed to make running commentary in the public forum regarding witnesses, the character of witnesses, the opinion of the guilt or innocence of defendants or suspects in criminal cases.” said Patrick Wilson, Ellis County District Attorney. He claims it’s basic legal ethics.

Enough said.


Lawyers aren't supposed to do such things anymore than a doctor and his patients. They have oaths for that sort of thing, and one can find their self in a lot of riff raff rather easily for breaking such oaths.


Lawyers aren't supposed to do such things anymore than a doctor and his patients. They have oaths for that sort of thing...
Q: What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?

A: There are skid marks in front of the dog.

The Horn

America has freedom of religion, and Christians are NOT being "persecuted' in America. Quite the opposite . Too many Christians are determined to try to persecute others - non-chrsiistians, gay people, atheists etc .
Christians are still the majority in America, have most of the power, money and influence in America and are the overwhelming majority in the Senate and House of Representatives, the governors and other political offices around this country . I wish they would stop whining about nothing .

patrick jane

Christians are still the majority in America, have most of the power, money and influence in America and are the overwhelming majority in the Senate and House of Representatives, the governors and other political offices around this country .
That's right, and don't chu neva foget it !!!

The Horn

Patrick Jane, you're missing the point . The fact that Christians are the majority and have most of the power etc totally contradicts the ludicrous claim that Christians are being "persecuted " in America.


Patrick Jane, you're missing the point . The fact that Christians are the majority and have most of the power etc totally contradicts the ludicrous claim that Christians are being "persecuted " in America.

They aren't facing persecution collectively, but many Christians have been treated absurdly- to a point of losing their freedom of expression and even losing their businesses. Liberals have shamed them, sent them death threats, marched on their property, sued, and so on all in the name of being fragile little snowflakes.
And if one crumbles one of those snowflakes, then they'll act as if they are being persecuted.

You all know exactly what you all are doing- the manipulation is damnable. You have never faced persecution in your life and neither have liberals at large. You all have been on the offensive side forever now and shouldn't even speak the word 'persecuted'. If you want persecution, this big majority you speak of could easily do so- but the fact is that we aren't trying to. Much unlike yourselves :rolleyes:


Patrick Jane, you're missing the point . The fact that Christians are the majority and have most of the power etc totally contradicts the ludicrous claim that Christians are being "persecuted " in America.
America is post-Christian (Mt 7:14). :dizzy: