Free Trade: Truman to Obama


New member
It is fascinating how far back the Free Trade mess our still great country presently finds itself in, actually goes.

Once, while reading a book from 1966 on a motorcycle gang known for its' use of Harleys, I was struck by a moments' diversion on the part of its' author into how Honda ended up almost wiping out Harley-Davidson, due to Free Trade practices, back then.

I'd forgotten that had happened.

And I wondered how far back Free Trade had been impacting our great country, for better and or for worse.

The following website is a series of quotes by past Presidents all the way back to Truman stating their views and actions with regard to Free Trade.

Most had held a view and took actions not much different from that of the now infamous crook: Richard Nixon.

In 1973, Nixon stated that "Proposals to close American markets or raise barriers to goods abroad in order to save jobs here, that is terribly short sighted...If we close our markets in order to save jobs here, we are going to lose jobs for those products that otherwise would be sold abroad."

That famous trip of his to China?

His former law firm: Mudge Rose Guthrie Alexander & Ferdon, represented the China National Import/Export Corporation.

- from the 1996 book "America: Who Stole the American Dream?" by Donald J. Bartlett and James B. Steele.

Of course, Mudge Rose, eventually self-imploded...

Anyway, that website....