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This is the show from Tuesday March 18th 2008.

If we as Christians don't have a life that's pleasing to the Lord then we have no moral basis of moral authority to go and fight against [culture war] issues.

* Bensley Newton, Missionary to America: Having grown up in India as an unbeliever, Bensley Newton trusted Christ while going to college there. A few years later, he traveled half-way around the world as a missionary to America! Sadly for Colorado, but as a blessing to Tennessee, Bensley and his wife Thelma plan to move to there to serve the Lord in a church pastored by one of Bob Enyart's pro-life heroes, George Grant! Listening to this fascinating discussion between Bob and Bensley, aired live from the BEL cabin, brings excitement and focus to the Christian praying to influence His world for Christ! The discussion moves from the godless schools, to divorce, abortion, Hugh Hewitt, pornography, and homosexuality, to America's only hope, which is in Christ! Bensley (mail: asks believers comfortable in their churches to engage the culture, and he asks the Christian activists to recommit themselves to God and His Word! Wow. Talk about an arranged marriage!

Post-show Note: See more great media coverage for Colorado's Personhood initiative on Denver's ABC affiliate, 7News!

Today's Resource: Have you heard about the BEL special of two MP3 CDs of Bob Enyart's audio teaching of The Plot and The Tree for one price of $49.99? The Plot: Every story has a plot, and a story's details can be confusing unless you understand its overview. The Bible tells the story of human history and the work of God for His creation, and this story has a plot as well! Grasping the big picture will help you reconcile many seemingly contradictory and controversial Bible passages. Achieve a fuller understanding of God's plan from Genesis to Revelation and equip yourself to share God's Word with friends and family. Consider listening to The Plot series based on Bob's manuscript of the same title. Then enjoy Bob's book studies and see how the big picture can help you to better know the living God. The Tree: For thirty five years Bob Enyart has studied God's Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit from this very exciting Bible study. The Tree CD will take you back to the Garden of Eden to examine the legacy and impact of this famous tree on humanity. Find out where the tree is today and what its final destination will be. After listening to the prerequisite, The Plot, Bible, the Bible studies on The Tree CD will entertain, excite and challenge you toward godly living!
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