Former Assistant FBI Director: "The Clintons, that’s a crime family"


New member
“The Clintons, that’s a crime family, basically,” Kallstrom said. “It’s like organized crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.”

Kallstrom, best known for leading the investigation into the explosion of TWA flight 800 in the late ’90s, said that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, was a “pathological liar.”...

He also blasted Attorney General Loretta Lynch, claiming that she impeded the investigation into Clinton’s private server.

“The problem here is this investigation was never a real investigation,” he said. “That’s the problem. They never had a grand jury empanelled, and the reason they never had a grand jury empanelled, I’m sure, is Loretta Lynch would not go along with that.”

“God forbid we put someone like that in the White House,” he added of Clinton.

The agents are furious with what’s going on, I know that for a fact,” he said.

has this ever happen before were a former high ranking FBI officer accused a presidential candidate of being part of a criminal enterprise?

has this ever happen before were a former high ranking FBI officer accused a presidential candidate of being part of a criminal enterprise?

Felonious breaches of national security, perjury, obstruction of justice, running a criminal enterprise of influence peddling, on the payroll of nations that sponsor ISIS terrorism and supplying some arms yourself? Now, what on earth would make anybody conclude there's any crime involved? Truth is truly stranger than fiction. A novelist couldn't make this stuff up.



has this ever happen before were a former high ranking FBI officer accused a presidential candidate of being part of a criminal enterprise?

Yet you're voting for a sociopath who has a long history of criminal activities.

Inside Donald Trump's Empire: Why He Didn't Run for President in 2012
With lawsuits pending and shady partners, Trump’s business empire could not withstand the scrutiny of a presidential campaign, and even his kids might have been muddied.

Does it make you feel better when the criminal in office has a "R" as the first letter of the Party that he represents? (Actually Donald Trump isn't a republican, he's just using the Republican Party as a platform to promote his Godless/secular humanist agenda).


New member
Yet you're voting for a sociopath who has a long history of criminal activities.

Does it make you feel better when the criminal in office has a "R" as the first letter of the Party that he represents? (Actually Donald Trump isn't a republican, he's just using the Republican Party as a platform to promote his Godless/secular humanist agenda).
in my dream scenario I would have loved for Ted Cruz to win, but even Ted Cruz who was on the receiving end of trumps lies on his family is voting for Trump. the reason for his change of mind is simple, Hillary is simply on a whole another higher level of corruption and secularism.


in my dream scenario I would have loved for Ted Cruz to win, but even Ted Cruz who was on the receiving end of trumps lies on his family is voting for Trump. the reason for his change of mind is simple, Hillary is simply on a whole another higher level of corruption and secularism.

It doesn't matter what your "dream scenario" is now Jeffrey, you're voting for someone, who as shown in my above link, amongst other things has ties to organized crime, both here in the US and in Russia.

There are many evil people that are voting for Trump as well as good God-fearing people like yourself. I hate to see the God-fearing ones made to be fools if the sociopath Donald Trump is elected.