Forbidden apple—“Pursuit of knowledge will make you great”



So humanity is pursuing lies presented attractively. Subjective spiritual knowledge affects us spiritually as we are spiritual beings, not the material objective knowledge. When we say that objective knowledge “sun has risen”, the falsehood in it doesn’t affect us spiritually. Sun never rise. But if we think “Evils are rising” or “might is right” these false subjective knowledge affect us spiritually. Then one tends to follow those lies to their peril. By their definition evils can’t rise and material might is irrelevant to spiritual growth. One going at speed of sound or just walking makes no difference spiritually. One with a dagger or a machine gun makes little difference to his and others spiritual state. Body death is nothing but death of love within us makes us dead. Then love-bond shattered souls fall apart.

But we can’t hold on to love without connection to Love-God whom Christ called Heavenly Father. But the churches presented the lie that Father-God is bloody OT god and worse hell-avenging monster of Revelation, destroying their members. Only after maturing in love by long perseverance of love-works, I could detect churches’ lies.

Problem is that we can’t distinguish lies from truth in our pride-infected blind love-less state. We were infected by it in our pride-devil infected paradise. So we were forbidden to seek its fruits in that state. Only when our eyes really open in love by obedience of love-works, we can distinguish the truth from the lie to be benefitted by knowledge.

It happened in my case. Pursuing knowledge about God in different religions I fell for lies repeatedly. That happened in so called Christian religions too. But when stopping that pursuit I obeyed love injunction of Christ my eyes opened in love to discern the real truths and falsehoods.

God wanted that we might get direct experience of false knowledge in case we disobey his love-first injunction. So He didn’t bar the devil from us or the tree of knowledge. That is a way to get immunity from evil, by experiencing its evil effects