FNC: Fake News Channel's Fake NASA Claim


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FNC: Fake News Channel's Fake NASA Claim

This is the show from Wednesday, March 13th, 2019



Update: ICR's Acts & Facts gives a shout-out to RSR in their current March 2019 issue where Brian Thomas writes about our online spreadsheet, List of Biomaterial Fossil Papers (maintained), "Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart and I continue to curate that growing list online." Thank you Brian, Henry Morris III, and everyone at the Institute for Creation Research!

* Fake News Channel: "NASA was able to recreate the 'origins of life'" claims the Fox News Channel. How'd they accomplish that? By "building the ocean's floor from 4 billion years ago." Not bad. What's worse though, is that the whole NASA Fake Claims mess was published in another Fake News Communique, called the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The guys respond to the bizarre claim by airing the audio of NASA answering an RSR question and publicly admitting, for the first time ever, that water, as the universal solvent, is not the solution but a barrier to biological molecules arising naturally.


* Join Bob in Decatur Alabama for Believable! For his series on creation apologetics, Pastor Brian McLaughlin of Fairview Baptist Church is bringing Bob Enyart out for a fun and educational weekend of events beginning at the movies on Thursday night!

March 14 - 17 in Decatur

- Thursday 6:30 PM: AMC Decatur 12 for Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy (tickets; other cities)

- Friday 10:00 AM High school presentation

Hear Bob at Fairview Baptist Church

- Friday 5:45 PM - 7:45 PM

- Saturday 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM ($25 fundraising luncheon to support Bible translation)

- Sunday Service 9:30 AM

- Sunday School 11:00 AM

* Whales and Other Opportunities: The guys also discuss the whale in Brazil, like its first mammalian ancestors, that apparently tried its best to get inland. (And see rsr.org/whales for the #1 ranked article for Google: problems with whale evolution.)

* Telethon Progress: With our vital goal of $40,000, our listeners generously have given $26,000! Wow, thank you! And if you'd like to help, please just click on over to store.kgov.com or call us at 1-800-8Enyart (800-836-9278)!

* The Exodus Sequel! Tim Mahoney's Patterns of Evidence sequel will be in theaters nationwide March 14th, 16th, and 19th! Bob and Fred are going and they encourage you to go also!

* When Life (actually, acid) was Created in a Lab: When Bob spoke with the curator of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, they had an exhibit (and probably still do) for the 1953 Miller/Urey synthesis of amino acids. It read Life Created in the Lab?

It's been 66 years.

Don’t they know yet if they made life or not? Their question mark is insufficient to counterbalance this false report, since amino acids are essential to biological life, but they are not life, they are acids.

Further, these experimenters left out oxygen because it prevented the acids from forming and they had to immediately remove from their solution the compounds they had formulated because otherwise they would dissolve. (See above. :) And of course Barack Obama when asked when does life begin, infamously answered, "That's above my pay grade."
